Would legal hemp cultivation threaten the marijuana market?

Medicinal Marijuana?
September 16, 2010
How do you grow indoor marijuana? (hydroponic)?
September 17, 2010
outdoor marijuana
Steve G asked:

Cannabis sativa ssp. sativa (hemp) is an excellent fiber crop that contains insignificant amounts of THC. Profitable cultivation of Cannabis sativa ssp. indica (marijuana) depends on the prevention of pollination. Can C.s.s. pollen fertilize C.s.i. plants effectively enough to make outdoor cultivation of marijuana impractical?
I’m not at all sure that you are correct that they would have to be in close proximity. Wind pollinated plants produce an immense amount of pollen, and it can travel great distances.

1 Comment

  1. CS says:

    Yes, the two can cross pollinate. As for any significant impact on illegal grows, the only risk would be if the two were growing in near proximity to each other.
