
September 7, 2010

Why are the current views of marijuana in the United States so ridiculous?

Apollo asked: Why is there so much bull**** in the system? The government runs campaigns against it which cost thousands of dollars. The government tries to […]
September 9, 2010

Gary Silva Medical Marijuana Grower Gets Busted

aolthof007 asked: Trial update on Gary needs your support! Gary Silva Talks about his arrest for growing medical marijuana as a care giver for medicine […]
September 29, 2010

What is the US federal government’s current attitude toward medicinal marijuana use?

pollen asked: This is directly related to a previous question asking whether that attitude is in the best interest of the people. I’m not certain what […]
April 15, 2012

Medical Marijuana Flower Room A Day 1 ( OG Widow)

Day 1 flower
April 17, 2012

Medical Marijuana Flower Room A Day 7 OG Kush White Widow

Medical update