Video Response…Just giving you the facts…Medical Marijuana Vs. Hydrocodone

Ricardo Cortés- Pt 3- Potatoes, tulips, apples, marijuana
April 19, 2013
Veteran Michael Krawitz Explains How Medical Marijuana Helps Him Live
April 19, 2013

Video Response...Just giving you the facts...Medical Marijuana Vs. HydrocodoneJay, I hope this information helps you out. After I watched your video, I did a little research and found some very interesting articles. I had posted some c…


  1. 6OldSalt62 says:

    Just the facts, nothing but the facts. Thank You.

  2. steve noneya says:

    I would trust Meds from the earth before i ever trust any meds man made. Good job Ladyfish

  3. TheKevinfrom says:


  4. TheRodgerB says:

    Weed is All WE NEED, I quit man made meds 30
    years ago, Im 52 and I feel great.

  5. LepreChronic420 says:

    right on ladyfish good info
    Keep it Green

  6. 1980ladyfish says:

    Thank you.

  7. 1980ladyfish says:

    that’s awesome….keep it green

  8. 1980ladyfish says:

    You’re welcome!!

  9. DerpDerpity420 says:

    Very Cool. Peace!

  10. 1980ladyfish says:

    ur welcome. That’s all I was trying to do. Jay asked for the support, wanted to know what we thought.

  11. MrMeanone says:

    Good research.You go Ladyfish

  12. james tankersley says:

    go Ladyfish!!!

  13. JayTheGrowPro says:

    nice info thank you!
