Stoner Snacks Sara lee Cheese Crumb Cakes

Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at Boro Warehouse Discount Glass Gallery For Parts 420 …


  1. 1boredom2strikes3 says:

    I forgot I opened this video, saw the tab “Stoner Smacks Sara Lee Che—”
    and was like “da fuck…”

  2. MrTimmaster says:

    are you gonna do any giveaways?

  3. darien smith says:

    That bong looks dope keep up the vids and when is the next mailbag video?

  4. Luke Triplett says:

    Yeah good sound haha

  5. lxlMariOlxl says:


  6. Jimbo Slice says:

    Massive rips, that bong must be a smooth operator. Cheers Sound. Thanks for
    the content. 

  7. MisterKartoffel Yeah says:

    How did you Color the water? With Foodpaint?

  8. Ryan Coughlin says:

    Lol “snoner stacks”

  9. stephen mccall says:

    Get oreo cakesters or oreo brownies….now they are a home run stoner

  10. Xie'Thor De'Gio says:

    Sound! you took down the poster my friend nat made in the background. its
    all good man, but someone gotta tell her….Not it!! lol jkjk. love the vid
    as usual, just letting you know we have been long time fans and we love
    getting medicated with you bud 🙂 keep up the great vids, and maybe i can
    get her to make ya another on lol. Cheers broXD

  11. Angel Almazan says:

    I would like to smoke with you!!

  12. Max Roberds says:

    Get a vapRwear hoodie! VAPE PEN AND HOODIE ALL IN ONE

  13. poop shlagger says:

    Daaaaank bro 

  14. Oilhead says:

    ahhh my sound drone needs are met

  15. CasperGgoodwood says:

    I fuckin love you sound. You are fuckin killing it man!!!

  16. Sound Experiments says:
  17. Jesse Torres says:

    Love the mixture of the colors . Damn made me want to take a hit out of it
    . Lol keep the creativity sound . Peace !!!!

  18. Thomas Busa says:

    please use your inline beelaso bong in a video i haven’t seen it on here in
    a while! The videos are great and they brighten my day thanks man and stay

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