Spannabis 2013 Resin Seeds

Trade show helps local farmers market products
March 12, 2013
Marijuana Harvest Grape God
March 12, 2013

Spannabis 2013 Resin SeedsWe talk with Lina and Elizabeth about CBDs and Resin Seeds…


  1. fanan uchiha says:


  2. JLazn says:

    Nice Spanish kiss there at the end lol

  3. amaralproductions says:

    I’d rather go to these ladies for my medicine because there educated and know what they are talking about, not like normal doctors who prescribe highly addictive opiates that pharmaceutical companies endorse.

  4. slowmopoke says:

    L.A. Ultra~Nearly pure indica. One of the most powerful cannabis strains available. Is it MK Ultra? L.A. Con? or a mutant hybrid? it’s for you to find out…

  5. MrPercythrower says:

    they know their stuff,very interesting.

  6. vegasmmp says:

    The coolest 2 chicks in Barcelona! Line (Lina is spelled with an e) really hooked me up at Resin club when I was there…the Cannatonic is killer.

  7. lukeshawful says:

    Wish I could make some of them capsules for my nan! Would relieve her pain. shame I live in England…pisses me off so much!!! Maybe one day they will see the light

  8. 231swift says:

    Had some problems loading this video? I’ll come back later, but if anyone experiences the same or knows a fix plz reply.

    “the video is currently unavailable”


    So its held in span yes

  10. Mattis schnee says:

    buy their cbd products !!!

  11. Blackwell000 says:

    5:40 Lol

  12. mattpenner420 says:

    yeah i didnt know that cbd had all those positive effects.

  13. mrloverman82 says:

    do these ladies have a shop called resins in amsterdam????? i’m sure i bought some killa hash off these two the last time i was in amsterdam. There shop had the best looking big buds in amsterdam

  14. victor manuel hernandez aceves says:

    Nice Ladies thks very much for educate me on CBD uses 😉

  15. DEANSOHIGH says:

    Tampon toker !!! 

  16. Doe Tha mobsta says:

    Damn i need both them ladys

  17. ScruffnStuff says:

    Wow, these ladies are purely inspirational with there knowledge and the fact that they are helping people to live better lives is awesome!

  18. jonvanvliet says:

    these girls rock and i bet that cbd weed is the best!very pretty 2

  19. WorldofFood says:

    looks like a good time!

  20. BshDctr says:

    Was waiting for the video with these two ladies! Love the coverage of Spannabis Remo, thanks for the awesome work!

  21. mchammer g says:

    cbd is the best thing ive ever came across. period.

  22. JustinP says:

    its nice to see the casual cannabis user is starting to realize THC isnt the only thing in weed with medical benefit

  23. slowmopoke says:

    Resin seeda:Yummy~A very special Yumbolt selected in 2003, has been crossed with the G13 Haze male, as a result the phenotype we selected has all the sweetness & relaxing effects of the yumbolt with an added spice & creeper high from the G13 Haze.

  24. TheMicrogram says:

    Big respect to these women.

  25. evoneEVOLUTION says:

    604 long video nice ramo 😉

  26. lsmurf13 says:


  27. Sarah Martin says:

    Cannatonic is bloody wonderful!

  28. alexisdigital says:

    Resin Seeds made a joint venture with Mr Nice Seeds called: CBD Crew, not to be confused with CBD Seeds. But Remo interviwed both of them so we viewers know the difference. As usual, THANX Remo !!

  29. MrDRAGON612 says:

    I’m loving the macro shot of the trichomes

  30. noircomics12 says:

    wow why have I never heard of these company before? They seem very professional in the business of cannabis.

  31. surf420silver says:

    lovely ladys!

  32. Totte Nator says:

    Is there any place I can get more information on how to make the capsules? do they just grind bud put into capsules and into oven or is it more to it?

    Nice video love it! keep it commin
