Immediate thought: the Government doesn’t like legal pot-smokers. How to stop? Fake pot-smoker violence. Then pretend pot = violence. Then tell people that pot needs to remain illegal. Reverse pot laws. Trust your Government. They’d NEVER fuck with you.
there where very very few police in the area, fights where breaking out all over the place. get a few thousand people together and no security and no shit stuff like this is going happen
scattering like the cockroaches they are.
so what happend to the shooter???
Can people stop fucking shooting each other?
I was walking towards the shooters that shit was sketchy
Immediate thought: the Government doesn’t like legal pot-smokers. How to stop? Fake pot-smoker violence. Then pretend pot = violence. Then tell people that pot needs to remain illegal. Reverse pot laws. Trust your Government. They’d NEVER fuck with you.
A shooting no 4/20? You don’t say. I bet this has never happened before. Other than in 1999.
there where very very few police in the area, fights where breaking out all over the place. get a few thousand people together and no security and no shit stuff like this is going happen
Drug addicts get a holiday, what did you expect?
There is no safety outside of Jesus Christ!
What do you mean sketchy?