A “High” Speed look at the river trail. Check out the perfect timing of the train passing overhead on the bridge towards the end of the video Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso…
Freaking Sacramento river trail, I’ve never been out west but I thought of
going for that long trail alone but now if there’s a chance of catching a
glimpse of a wild sound in his natural habitat I’m definitely going to make
the trip out
holy scooter enterprise
#sounddronegiveaway getting medicated at mach 5
Wow you really beefed up your scooter yah ha ha ha ya love that kind
Dang man that place looks beautiful. Would love to walk and smoke on that
Check out this video on YouTube: sound drone is the new Flash on a scooter

Thanx for the little video. Really missing my home town!
Ha at first i thought you were just going incredibly fast and then I
realized…. electric scooters don’t go 70 mph…
what sort of range do you get on that with a full charge?
Cool ride! Thanks for taking us along! Just another random person!
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Jesus who?
Jesus Christ! Open the door!
Cop to stoner: “Your eyes are red , you been smoking weed ?”
Stoner to cop” “Your eyes are glazed, you been eating doughnuts?”
What do “Wheel of Fortune” and weed dealers have in common?
They both charge $250 for an “O”!
Freaking Sacramento river trail, I’ve never been out west but I thought of
going for that long trail alone but now if there’s a chance of catching a
glimpse of a wild sound in his natural habitat I’m definitely going to make
the trip out
wow, warp speed scootie, I’m givin her all she’s got!
Love the show. Especially scooter vlogs.
P.S. Your bong refurbishment segment should be called REEFERbishment. Get
I see the wormhole forming you almost broke through the space time
continuum that time.
Keep us updated on your experimentation with time travel.
At first I was like, “Holy Shit Sound, slow down!”
Omg warp speed lol
Traveling at the speed of Sound.
Beam me up Scotty