Outdoor Medical Marijuana #3 “Thc Paradise”

Harvested Marijuana Drying Cannabis Farmed Medical Marijuana Blow Drying Pot
July 27, 2013
DWC grow #3 mini H.H.T.
July 27, 2013

Outdoor Medical Marijuana #3 Welcome back, sorry its been a while, but here we are. Flowers soon, all have been sexed except the potted plant. Stay tuned for more. Subscribe! Like\ comment.


  1. MedicatedCouple says:

    Yeah its a legal grow, but its in my woods.. something or someone could have taken in. To bad I don’t got a game camera. But ill be putting blood meal around all plants to scare away animals.

  2. Vomit TidalWave says:

    Do you have a game camera bro? i would put one out and find out what it was… if it liked it, it will be back… IDK if your legal where your at… but game wardens will break or cut a branch in my area and set up a game camera… they get you on camera tending the plants and then they come arrest you… not trying to incite paranoia or anything bro. 🙂
