New Scooter Vlog Spot

Building the New Indoor Grow Room Part 2
March 1, 2015
HotBoxing a GolfCart with a Bong
March 1, 2015

Soundrone finds a new spot to scooter vlog. Sorry about that irritating noise I was really excited about finding this spot and though might as well just go ahead and upload ! Soundrone’s…


  1. dustin king says:

    So weed just became legal here in DC! One step forward, sir! #ScooterPANTS

  2. SouloHigh says:

    Just smoking next to a giant propane tank lol

  3. Stoner Kronicles says:

    like a boss smoking next to propane tank lol love ur video sound

  4. Sound Experiments says:

    noise is too irritating to finish watching 

  5. Kyle Alexander says:

    I love the intro song!

  6. Humboldt Greenthumb says:

    yo sound have you eaten at the burger hut in chico? great burgers and

  7. Ryan Pepe says:

    Funny as fuck

  8. Cris Hoff says:

    i always get a good laugh outa your videos, your funny thanks, cheers!

  9. mountaindewmofo says:

    That sound is prob interference from the scooter electronics.

  10. Sound Experiments says:
  11. Bella Luna says:

    I like your location might want to reconsider wearing the house
    pants and house jacket out on a field trip, I know I would stare at a man
    in pajamas and a robe flying down the street on a scooter. That is a nice
    place to smoke though. I wonder if the woman behind the little building to
    the back of the coffee shop was doing the same thing you were doing! Hmmmm,
    a little smokey smokey!

    I found a few more really funny CC subtitles in more of your videos but I
    won’t bore you with them. Maybe that could be a contest, to see who can
    find the funniest CC goof-up. I just did my first video, but when I was
    doing some editing on it, I effed up and erased the version with about 30
    views on it. Oh well! Tomorrow is another day. You should watch it and tell
    me what you think. Keep in mind: first video=terrified!

    I know a better way to wrap a lighter in bazo de la abeja (bee lasso). You
    end up with a nice patterned edge running down the side of the
    lighter. Maybe I will order some and make a video showing how to do it..

  12. Drich748 says:

    Bong at the smoke out area would be dope af

  13. forestlin20 says:

    lol… that sound is IR interference
