New outdoor update on my auto….plants..

How To Flush Your Medical Marijuana Plant Before Harvesting Your Weed
July 2, 2014
Outdoor Guerilla Grow 2013 Part 9 – Harvest
July 2, 2014

New outdoor update on my auto....plants..Auto update outdoor thx for checkin them out friends getting really sticky n stinky lol…peace.


  1. John do pe says:

    looks great broski…..

  2. Medically Fit says:

    Really tall autos bro! Wow very nice.

  3. Walt coff says:

    Stringline2… up in the House!… lol
    Hey man those Autos r looking good bro. Peace. ..

  4. NVclosetmedgrower says:

    Those autos are massive. Can’t wait to watch em get fat now.

  5. stringline2 says:

    Reply thx everyone..
