Jugging Up The Worm Tea

White Lemon, afgooey, moneymaker & damnesia GHS
July 15, 2013
Let’s Play – Unepic #50 [PC|Mac]
July 15, 2013

Jugging Up The Worm Tea(COPIED FROM BLOG) My name is Franco, my passion is cannabis, and my work is strain-huntin…


  1. Canabalistic Kid says:

    Every 6 days.

  2. Canabalistic Kid says:

    Thanks homie!

  3. Canabalistic Kid says:


  4. KARL Bailey says:

    Best on YouTube period

  5. KARL Bailey says:

    Check your Instagram bro mines caligrower707

  6. Canabalistic Kid says:

    Check my description.

  7. ZTLavoie says:

    How often do you feed those puppy’s the tea

  8. qwerty42 says:

    thought the only landrace left was durban poison (S. Africa) ???? Dont quote me on that, but do quote that I heard that from the GreenHouse Seeds guys (one of the best known groups in the scene, with all due respect)
