Jet Ski JOINTIn this episode Theweedguy is in Negril, Jamaica enjoying Jet Skiing while smoking a joint. For more videos go to KUSH.CA , don’t for get to ENJOY LIFE.


  1. John Cruz says:


  2. 420smokingglobally says:

    sick video mark!!!!!! keep up the great work. what are the differences between the two kush cup passes. do u have to be a mmar patient to be a judge?

  3. BombayGenetics says:

    yo mark .i heard on ur facebook what happened.remember like the old saying.theres more out there.and live life to the fullest! vince

  4. bobknobification says:

    wtf is yolo? i haven’t a scooby doo

  5. Jason Heisler says:

    haha dude that’s how i spend pretty much every nice day in the summer! i even bought a second seadoo so i don’t have to double anyone anymore lol

  6. MrMudmouth says:

    jamaica looks awesome

  7. Seatedmaggs says:

    this guy is the Kenny Powers of weed hahahahaha

  8. LordWormx420x says:

    you only live once, yolo

  9. cuntsgab says:

    livin too fast. got my head full throttle.

  10. xKWiZ1t says:

    Rappers in vidz dnt evn do this.

  11. logoCSS says:

    You need a GoPro

  12. Sickzzy says:

    Mrk monique says your dum”

  13. mattpenner420 says:

    never been on a jet ski…gonna have to try it some day..

  14. taebaek says:

    your opening is EPIC, peace from Qingdao, China.

  15. NSjumpbikes says:

    Your life is perfect

  16. vI8MileZzHighIv1 says:

    Awesome man, HAPPY 420!

  17. cent1989 says:

    always wanted to blaze up on de jet ski’s

  18. Weston Martin says:

    lol you are like kenny powers from east bound and down

  19. Al Robinson says:

    i can throw fast as fuck

  20. drewg2552 says:

    where is jimmy??

  21. onexnightxstandx4 says:

    Looks like a lot of fun Mark. You’re the man!

  22. dbkstylez says:


  23. Andro hennessy says:

    ” No footage, no camera” … You mean no camera no footage right?

  24. killa king kush davis says:

    Living the life! Cheers man its 4:20 today! Stay extra stoney my friend

  25. bobknobification says:

    thanks :)

  26. mrloverman82 says:

    nice vid man

  27. brice klinton says:

    fucking awesomeeeeeeeee

  28. gangster664 says:

    Killer joint and some dope jet ski’s, real sick shit. Im sittin here with da buddha and catchin up on your Jamaica vids

  29. tyler OG says:

    thats tight as fuck!!!!
    i love your videos man, keep them comin!

  30. 420topramen says:

    Fuckin kenny powers

  31. LordWormx420x says:

    saw remos vid of u guys on the jet skis i heard ur camera went into the drink for a second? l

  32. HAZE FANATIK says:


  33. CocaineStyler says:

    Fuck you.

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