Greenhouse Outdoor Grow 2014 “TGA Charge Pack Mix”

Blackberry kush outdoor grow
April 20, 2014
Brewing organic tea for cannabis- Tea Time @ Boas Organics
April 20, 2014

Greenhouse Outdoor Grow 2014 LEGAL CANNABIS PATIENT MUST BE 18 TO VIEW ** QUESTIONS & TALK – INSTAGRAM – Facebook – https://w…


  1. ClosetGrown420 says:

    donate about 16 quarts of super soil to me? just kidding =)

  2. GreenMountainGrow says:

    SubCool’s Super soil recipe is also available online, if cost is a concern?
    That’s what I do, I get the ingredients that are available to me in my
    local area gardening shop & make my own “super soil” based on his basic
    system. I have NOT looked back since! People pay THOUSANDS of $dollars$ on
    unnecessary liquid nutrients! Many props brother, Keep it green & frosty!
    The charge packs are good, keep in mind its sold by a completely different
    “tga” company though 🙁
    You will save A LOT of $ in the long run & your ingredients will go much
    further if you just buy them yourself instead of the “charge packs”
    Happy growing.

  3. BrownGuy420 says:

    Sub said “NO BUENO”… Good luck!

  5. sho gunn says:

    That TGA super soil and subcool deal sounds shady. I just watched his last
    episode and he said he doesn’t receive and money for the soil??? But his
    BRAND/LOGO is on the product???? That’s like Nike saying we don’t receive
    money for Nike shoes we just recommend them???? Sounds hella shady. And I
    heard he’s a hardcore tweaker

  6. s mcmurray says:

    Man im haveing trouble getting on keep trying cheers.

  7. NIKK420 says:

    Sub don’t approve super soil anymore watch the last episode of weed nerd
    peace bro
