Drinking Girl Scout Cookies

Religion = Stupidity
January 15, 2015
January 15, 2015

Soundrone finds some Girl scout cookies and drinks them on camera. Bee Lasso Herb Iron Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at …


  1. POOpStiNkPiE says:

    Hahaha “we’re figuring stuff out mannn. We’re putting it all together”. 

  2. Squishy Beetle says:

    Hahahahahah oh my god dude. You had me cryin. Funniest video you’ve made
    yet man. Fuggin awesome

  3. richToFEn1337 says:

    illuminati confirmed stoners figure out every secret ever i swear

  4. Detoxgaming says:

    watch out! man its everywhere, Illuminaughty

  5. akaDragon says:

    Vaping some girl scout cookies with my pax right now, Shit’s amazing!

  6. herb culture420 says:

    Hey sound what do jew think about the cbd craze thats hitting the online
    market these days. Some reputable folks are comming out with legal cbd
    eliquids and edibles and topicals that sound interesting to those who cant
    come accross thc stuffs like you and i…i was hoping you might have
    insight on the matter cuz cbd is a part of cannabis. So ya thanks for
    reading bruh and cheers big ears. Peace the frizzlefraz out c:

  7. dustin king says:


  8. wowplayer1 says:

    Where can I find the story about monster?

  9. yuBoiGomez says:

    I also shared this! At what age did you start smoking? Have a frosty day
    sound! Comment back man ha

  10. TheReadyGamerShow says:

    dude you should do a top 10 bongs designs that would be awesome pls

  11. Patrick Baggett says:

    Hahaha dude you look like Ice-T!!! You know the rapper?

  12. Matthew Rubalcava says:

    Damn near lost my shit at 8:36 lmfao!

  13. Mcjake127 says:

    Illuminati confirmed

  14. E Beazy420 says:

    Cheers from Alaska! Loved this webisode for today!!! Cheers cheers cheers

  15. Tyler Line says:

    “It was tastin good until I started tastin illuminate in it” xD

  16. Trevor Webb says:

    Best part is when you snorted the foam!!!

  17. Keith Bandit says:


  18. JakRomano says:


  19. First Last says:

    Classic episode 

  20. Pine Apple says:

    Haha funny video and sexy bowl on that bee lasso piece. 

  21. Fred for20 says:

    haha 420 water is my kind of water

  22. Sound Experiments says:
  23. DJEnuF293k says:

    lol that illuminati part was funny

  24. E Beazy420 says:

    I L L U M I N A T I E A R S ! ! !

  25. Society's Fault says:

    Lost my shit at Illuminati milk

  26. baggedwrxwagon says:

    Sound, you’re exactly why weed should and should not be legal…

  27. Ben Wells says:

    Will you make a linked water test video for the 29mm showerhead on the

  28. wlaaaaaaaaaa123 says:

    Was bored and searching through YouTube for a good video to smoke a few
    bowls to and came across you. OMG your fucking awesome. Stay stony :D

  29. SatinMan says:

    @ 8:36 LMFAO Sound!!!!!

  30. Blurrz Tokes says:

    Best video of 2015. cheers illuminati ears!!

  31. AnotherYTstoner says:


  32. Austin Olmstead says:

    Oh no you figured out the prophecy, nesquick + Girl Scouts = illuminati

  33. herb culture420 says:

    What if bee lasso did cbd products as welll…..eh eh??? Haha but for real
    doe…like real life play doe. Yummm. Contact me on i.g for some chats also
    man. Im on i.g yall @ herbculture420 

  34. MrChrisb127 says:

    Girl Scout cookies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  35. preston bush says:

    dude that pentagram part cracked me up. I laughed so hard I almost pissed

  36. MyEvilLaugh says:

    hahaha….i knew those girl scouts were up to no good. The thin mint milk
    is better.
