Soundrone Reviews Sara Lee Crumb Cakes and tells about the #GoodVibes Give Away….. Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at …
You know the meal deals at Taco Bell that come with the Doritos? Well I
don’t usually eat them, I save them. And then I end up eating like 6 bags
in one sitting when I have the munchies lol.
Sound you need to do a review on the Sara Lee cheesecake bites made with
Philly cream cheese they sell in the refrigerated section!
Holy shizz they are the ultimate stoner snack!
steer’s! like cows 🙂 to all the deer’s! to drinkin beer’s! to walkin on
peer’s! to all my peer’s! to anyone with ear’s! to havin no
fear’s!…………..i could go for year’s!
You know the meal deals at Taco Bell that come with the Doritos? Well I
don’t usually eat them, I save them. And then I end up eating like 6 bags
in one sitting when I have the munchies lol.
Sound you need to do a review on the Sara Lee cheesecake bites made with
Philly cream cheese they sell in the refrigerated section!
Holy shizz they are the ultimate stoner snack!
Hope everyone is doing well #goodvibes
Cheers pioneers
Cheers queers
My stoney snack are these peanut butter granola bars. Dont know the brand
but the are amazing.
Aye sound you review hot Cheetos,not the original but the xxtra hot.
Cheers, bong hitters . (hit ears)lol
stoners live and stoners die, at the end we all get high ! #goodvibes
nice vid man ! keep them up and keep on going to stoner paradise. .
steer’s! like cows 🙂 to all the deer’s! to drinkin beer’s! to walkin on
peer’s! to all my peer’s! to anyone with ear’s! to havin no
fear’s!…………..i could go for year’s!
Nice Glass Sound ! 420BlazeIt
sara lee just stomping all over hostess haha
I always tell my wife cheers big rear
They’re super, good.