Soundrone reports back on the 5 inch Cheech Honeycomb Ash Catcher,30 holes I think might be enough? Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at
I love watching your videos every night haha you’re really the only person
I watch and go through your videos… Amazing job man! Too bad I’m about to
be “Dankrupt” lol. If only I could find a place at a Ranch.. Haha nice
place BTW and go bee lasso
wish i could smoke right now :/
I love watching your videos every night haha you’re really the only person
I watch and go through your videos… Amazing job man! Too bad I’m about to
be “Dankrupt” lol. If only I could find a place at a Ranch.. Haha nice
place BTW and go bee lasso
you forgot to zip your fly dude!!!
sweet vid holmes but try to use that ash catcher on a slanted downstem.
that perc works better strait up and down
crushed ice = more surface area = smoother colder hit
Wassup sound check out my vid “first vid friendly toker” ur n inspiration
for me dude keep doin wat u do n I also sent u a letter too lol
keep on medicating sound im smoking skywalker OG
all of the pieces i have you have reviewed lol
Your the shit sound drone!!!!
Where can I find some cheech glass? How much wa this whole set up all
Sound I love you man and your awesome! But you put the same video on this
channel with your zipper still down and an odd itch at 2:34
Aaaaaayup yup yup cheers!
Ash catcher needs more water
Once I saw how much keef you put in your bowl I was prepared to watch you
cough your head off man. You rock sound, I love your vids keep it up!!!
without the ashcatcher in the vertical position your not getting all the
holes to perc SOUNDDRONE
Hey sound
I just tried to hit my bong as long as you do and I ended up throwing my
blueberry slushie up…