I feel like a dumb ass now because I didn’t get to the part where you
mention when you’re going to be restocking everything. Goodness xD. it’s
been a long few days heheheh
Hey sound man when are you going to have more of your 4inch defused salt
funnels in on the 420 armory? The one I ordered from you forever ago broke
the other day while cleaning everything and so I’ve been sad because no
bong hits ever since :c Anyways glad to see you’ve been doing well! Cheers
Put the pussy on the chainwax
Nice video
What in the fuck is a herb iron
You sir are a swed
Soundrone your Multibomb is fuckin Magical! You should call it Magicbomb!
You should play some music next time
I think the first 3 seconds of this video pretty much sum up this channel
perfectly. Lol loved the video as usual sound, keep up the great content.
Hes got that shirt! +Stoner Kronicles
Sound you have IRON LUNGS!!!
hey sound what happend to your jar of ol resin?
I feel like a dumb ass now because I didn’t get to the part where you
mention when you’re going to be restocking everything. Goodness xD. it’s
been a long few days heheheh
Do they make glass skull bongs?
Smoke the weed than kill it
maaaaaahh i let that pussy on tha chainwax
I need to get an herb iron or bee lasso, I rely on lighters too much
Hey sound man when are you going to have more of your 4inch defused salt
funnels in on the 420 armory? The one I ordered from you forever ago broke
the other day while cleaning everything and so I’ve been sad because no
bong hits ever since :c Anyways glad to see you’ve been doing well! Cheers