420armory is now on AMAZON

Marijuana Motivation #9- Focus
February 1, 2014
wow… Sexy Rihanna Shows Off Her Bikini Body Hot News
February 1, 2014

420armory is now on AMAZONSoundrone is over that horrible cold that has been going around and has been busy uploading new merch to amazon Amazon Glass Kits Downstem Conversion Adaptor…


  1. jeepjeep1983 says:

    the movie Hot shots part deux with Charley sheen has the part with Geronimo
    saying meeeeeee lol

  2. SmokeumPeacepipe says:

    if geronimo jumped out of a plane he would scream “MEEEEEEEEEEE!”

  3. Pearce Starbard says:

    Put your coil on that piece already lol

  4. Sound Experiments says:
  5. imComYOU says:

    Hey sound, does this mean theres shipping to Europe?

  6. SatinMan says:


  7. maticooli112 says:

    420 armory now on amazon goes to buy on amazon theres nothing i hate amazon
    .ca theres nothing

  8. Kyle Adams says:

    I wanna do dabs so bad 

  9. Andre Kush says:

    dabs=death lol

  10. Spiff says:

    I think in every vid you should have a mind-fuck question in the beginning

  11. mike sterr says:

    If jumped out of a plane he would scream. Meeeeeeee!!!!!!

  12. BigManJon Hess says:

    MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE … i asked you that last week lmao 

  13. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    You can refill The little green LP bottles with use of an adapter. Fill
    them from a 20lb tank. Just thought id share a tip. Cheers… Just
    Google/Youtube it for more info. 

  14. BigJoe Kasulis says:
  15. SniperGNTx4 says:

    I notice that u just slam nugs in there and never grind? Any reason for
    that? Haha

  16. LoneSock89 says:


  17. 420rastabong says:

    It’s a honeycomb Bowl bro!!

  18. Natural Skull says:

    bad caughin¨chjeers 

  19. Tokin Dave says:

    Ahhh that shirt! You are, hands down, the T shirt king cheers big ears!!

  20. David Marken says:

    i love that the 420 armory is under health and care products

  21. xXxPoPeRaZzIxXx says:

    Ur a fucking legend

  22. Daniel Montes says:

    Haha I love this guy

  23. grimreaper19502 says:

    He would say kamikaze

  24. Velox Vendetta says:

    Sound my man its has been awhile glad to see you back.

  25. BlinkkHD says:

    does it ship in secrecy? like it doesn’t say smokeweed or anything?

  26. jeremy Lepine says:

    He soundrone love your vids do you have a question email or something so I
    can email you
