January 20, 2015
trees – Tue Jan 20 01:56:28 EST 2015
January 20, 2015

Soundrone Showcases CHERRY KUSH Northern California Outdoor from the 2014 season Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at http:…


  1. Collapze says:

    looks like some awesome tasting outdoor!

  2. Sim Doll says:


  3. BigJoe Kasulis™ says:

    Cool series Brother…

  4. Michael Zally says:

    I love your videos man. You should definitely consider getting a nicer
    camera, i think i would enjoy your videos more. Just a suggestion 

  5. Beard Tokin says:

    Lasso coming in today! Happy new year sound. Random question, do you know
    what happened to its evil ded? 

  6. Sound Experiments says:
  7. robert bernal says:

    haha I got the same lighter as u do with bee lasso wrapped around it lol

  8. Owen Parduhn says:

    Do more builds on budget winter edition 

  9. TheCheddaDaddy says:

    Yo sound man!!! I love watching the vids bro!
    And also I’m pretty sure it’s a new color, cause I started to see then like
    a month ago, I definitely didn’t notice them before. But it’s the only
    color I’ve gotten since I found the lime green bic haha.

  10. AJ Sprigg says:

    I have the same lighter. It makes me happy because it matches my herbs

  11. tazydevil93 says:

    hahahahaha at the end maade me lol

  12. Matthew Rubalcava says:

    Love getting stoned with you. relaxing

  13. PCEKNG says:

    Sound! If you can find some, could you do a review on some Afghan Kush? Its
    a favorite of mine and i wanna see what you think of it. 

  14. Jasmine McCurn says:

    Just started tuning in few weeks ago but I love your show, the Bic it def

  15. Mortimer Stern says:

    Love the strain reviews. CHEERS!

  16. Zack Tisdell says:

    Hey sound you are super awesome my number one weedtuber your heaps funny
    aha lobe your stuff man keep it on man :)

  17. Owen Parduhn says:


  18. ben dover says:

    cherry came out niiiiice

  19. Lewis Adamson says:

    The best bud I had was pineapple express ,witch is rare cos I live in

  20. 2freshhobos says:

    I’d say pretty common, only because I always make mental note whenever I
    see it.

  21. laplantski says:

    Sound! What was that moldable clay stuff called? Like you used on your

  22. marco Hernandez says:

    lmao i love those mind fuck moments

  23. 420SavesLives says:

    Hahaha! You are hilarious! 

  24. Corey Forrester says:

    You’re cool v

  25. MiniBron3 says:

    Cheers from New York!!!

  26. GreenCard HolderPickups says:


  27. Rich Homie Wuan says:

    I assume this guy smokes the crack

  28. dan brady says:

    Hey man. I was wondering why do you never grind up your weed? Does it burn
    better or something?

  29. TrogdorMan says:

    Thank you Sound! I love your videos. They make my head feel yummy.

  30. xXTREMExGAMERXx x says:

    SoundDrone u no the best thing is Smoking a bong while playing GTA5

  31. cameron fraser says:

    soundrone never remembers to turn on auto focues lol

  32. dustin king says:

    Cheeeeers! Big Eeeeears!! Also that lighter is badass. The only crazy one
    I’ve seen is Brown, but I’m pretty sure that’s a common bic color haha

  33. John Blorgin says:

    You da chillest mane 

  34. Happy Gopher says:

    I had to go back and listen a second time I coulda swore you said vulva
    ears my bad …late… 

  35. dillon morrison says:

