Soundrone finds a spot away from the busy park to medicate Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at Boro Warehouse Discount Glass …
awweh yeah smoking marshmellow xD
I guess sitting in one spot didn’t help too much. but I could hear you
perfectly at the end. Blehhh idk anymore… 😛 always fun to watch you
smoke a J
I gotta be honest, at first when Jane Dro sent me to your channel I wasn’t
crazy about it. It has slowly grown on me. This video made me smile in the
morning. Thank you keep up the good work! #goodvibes (I entered already.
This is just an extra one for fun.)
Yup, my mother taught me how to use the dollar for rolling, shes been
smoking for 40 years and that is the only way she can roll. I generally
use my stone with blunts. Weird I hate cigarets and cigars but I’ll smoke
awweh yeah smoking marshmellow xD
I guess sitting in one spot didn’t help too much. but I could hear you
perfectly at the end. Blehhh idk anymore… 😛 always fun to watch you
smoke a J
Yo what kind of scooter is that?
We always called them a toke stone.
lol! cool, man….just trying to imagine what you’re saying….
Get a side car for Merlin
I gotta be honest, at first when Jane Dro sent me to your channel I wasn’t
crazy about it. It has slowly grown on me. This video made me smile in the
morning. Thank you keep up the good work! #goodvibes (I entered already.
This is just an extra one for fun.)
can you show us your scooter some time in the future?i am currently looking
to buy one,thnx n cheers
Can’t hear much. But loving the outside vids. Peace from Kona
Awsome idea I love it. ?.#scootervlog..
Sound! You need to record that ad a intro to the scooter vlog! !x
Too much wind, not enuff Sound!
Hey Sound been thinking about getting a scooter, what brand is yours how
much was it and how fast does it go?
Nice old school Mexican hoodie btw!
u r wild nice sweatshirt what brand bro
Hey sound can we get a sort of mini tour of your new place or something you
wouldnt want posted on the web of inters.
Hey Sound, you videos are great. What kind of scooter are you riding? I
have been looking into them myself as well. Thanks
Could u sponser my channel please
Dope hoodie sound!
OMG scooter blog is gonna be stuck in my head for days!!! LMAO
Great location sound!
Your shadow makes you look like you’re floating along toward the end.
Then again…. marijuana does that.
Doopy fingers lol oh the good ol days
Dude I was singing the same tune for the scooter vlog before I even opened
the video, weird.
I’m liking the drug rug, Sound
That stone to get stoned is pretty freaking awesome!
I like it better when u do videos indoors
Do more metal detectin vids
Where is the link of your old video?
Hahaha when u went over the bump I thought u actually tipped the scooter,
but it was just the camera. Cheers +Sound Experiments
Cheers! enjoyed it
Cheers from France
Love these vlogs. Keep it up sound
Yup, my mother taught me how to use the dollar for rolling, shes been
smoking for 40 years and that is the only way she can roll. I generally
use my stone with blunts. Weird I hate cigarets and cigars but I’ll smoke
that hoooie though, lol cheers biGGears
sound, do you have a tsu account?
Loving the Drug Rug Sound!!