what things can medicinal marijuana cure?

Do you qualify for medicinal marijuana if you have chronic masturbation syndrome?
September 13, 2010
Can police dogs they use to find drugs point out (smell) a growing marijuana plant?
September 13, 2010
Medicinal Marijuana
wierdalfan7 asked:

I have to do a drug report for my health class at school for the report i have to write the pros and cons of marijuana and talk about medical marijuana and what it will do to your body but also what it can help and cure.
please answer soon i have to have the first part next week thanks.


  1. SethSpeaks says:

    It won’t cure anything at all. It is a symptom reducer. Can reduce eye pressure, help with pain, help with anxiety (or make it worse), and help relieve nausea caused from cancer treatments. It’s just like aspirin.. not intended to cure, only to reduce symptoms.

  2. hisforever says:

    First of all, marijuana doesn’t “cure” anything except for pain. It’s a pain-killer, slows down your body. They use it occasionally for cancer patients with strong pain or others with chronic pain. Google positive and negative affects of it, health risks/benefits. You’ve got the internet, you’re capable of doing your own work.

  3. K says:

    Medical marijuana can help with a lot of things the main things that it’s marketed for is cancer patients, it helps deal with the pain, and anorexia, it stimulates the appetite. A big problem with legalizing marijuana is because it’s so easy to grow, that causes a problem with taxing. Virtually anyone can grow pot with only the proper equipment which makes it hard for the government to regulate its use

  4. SkepDoc 3.0 says:

    Cure? Nothing.
    It may help alleviate some symptoms such as pain, nausea and anorexia.
