Theatre Of Life: Male Tampons

History of Marijuana Part 5
August 8, 2011
outdoor medical marijuana grow ep.1
August 9, 2011

Theatre Of Life: Male TamponsSave a horse, ride a cowboy. Check out MORE Theatre of Life on Beck’s channel: Subscribe to Nick, BeckBennett, and GoodNeigborStuff: Shot and Edited by Eric Thompsen: — Theatre Of Life, fat chicks, 420, weed, medicinal marijuana, blaze, video games, Requiem For A Dream, pregnant ladies, tampons, Andy Milanokis, Kid Rock, AMerican Badass, Verizon, New York City, New York Yankees, fat dudes, Indiana Jones, old people, dogs, Rast


  1. dontheunderdog says:

    thumbs up for requiem for a dream?… anyone at all?

  2. ShutUpItsErin says:

    @Phoenix5211 no. Thats what he said, “no.” Its on page like 14 and if its not on 14 just check 13 and 15. 🙂

  3. GuidoIsMyRealName says:

    5:25 – High 5 denied.

  4. MLGpotassium says:

    where the fuck is kyle

  5. AzeJam says:

    Welcome to another episode of Nick and Beck hitting on French chicks.

  6. newzealanddude92 says:

    @xPacoTheDinosaurx Not only did he join youtube in 2005, if you read his channel it says he uses Magic… Duh!

  7. xPredatorKIL says:

    @xPacoTheDinosaurx He joined like 6 years ago when YouTube first started..

  8. wbonwheels says:

    Who do you think gets laid more Beck or Nick?

  9. ErickTheGreat100 says:

    @CamarocrazyRS ahh Fak I can’t get anything right

  10. MrJas1991 says:

    cuz she’s whiter than me? …yeah.

  11. Dash2 says:

    Yay! 720!

  12. MellowFellow92 says:

    I’ve decided to drop out of college and move to France….

  13. OakyDoky24 says:

    west sideeee!!!!!

  14. tehchase1313 says:

    thats how u start a theatre of life hahah

  15. 92Nick182 says:

    good one

  16. rkmauria says:

    those french girls were hot

  17. ChaoticMatters says:

    never fail to make me laugh

  18. psicoskull says:

    both top comments are gay

  19. ShutUpItsErin says:


  20. iAmWimbly says:

    @xPacoTheDinosaurx made it in 05

  21. SovietFred says:

    Great, now I have to find @s1skittleses ‘s comment on him finding @Chriis2oo9 ‘s comment, and you’ll have to find who I replied to.

  22. tgurbs says:

    those french chicks…. DAMN

  23. CocoPopKiller says:

    @xPacoTheDinosaurx he joined in like 2005 when youtube just started

  24. Rowboticwind says:

    yeah man, lets see yall hit on chicks more, maybe even fat ones.

  25. Phoenix5211 says:

    @ShutUpItsErin What does Chris2oo9 say?!?!

  26. 53Nurnur35 says:

    It’s not called a man-purse, it’s called a satchel…
    Indiana Jones wears one

  27. kidorebel says:

    those babies are freakin’ geniuses! x)

  28. falnex35 says:

    i wana see the camera guy

  29. MELanieSaysYO says:

    @TheGWUColonials Has he been on since 2005 or has the name been on since 2005? I know a few of the youtubers have taken names that the user hasn’t used for a few years. They account will still show the original Creation date of the name.

  30. iliketheZ00 says:

    4:25 lol what the fuck….

  31. Bonkskey says:

    It’s crazy, so we’ll just call you later then?

  32. IvaneBeoulve says:

    best aproach line: hey! wheres the beach?

  33. Danielalaish says:

    “see ya later france”
    “west side”

  34. icecreamcakeandpiex says:

    4:19 His dog is wearing sunglasses LOL

  35. jeffh3962 says:

    @1skittleses Why, what did he do for you to have to give him a financial punishment for his comment?

  36. TheGWUColonials says:

    @xPacoTheDinosaurx he’s been on youtube since 2005

  37. OriginalZach says:

    “Do you know where the beach is?”

    “The Beach?”

  38. MordieSG says:

    @xPacoTheDinosaurx He knows people from youtube .
    he can get easy names/

  39. ChivasBarcelonaMex says:

    Watching “Requiem for a Dream” while high FTW!!!

  40. 13randonLutz says:

    @1skittleses Thumb Whore.

  41. CamarocrazyRS says:

    @ErickTheGreat100 i believe it would be “shat on”

  42. manwithouthat44 says:


  43. icecreamcakeandpiex says:

    @xPacoTheDinosaurx If youtubers ask youtube idf they can have a certain username, youtube will delete the old user if he didn’t log in for a long time and give it to whoever requested it

  44. CoDisafishy says:

    @xPacoTheDinosaurx hes had his account since 2005

  45. Sappa9702 says:

    @xPacoTheDinosaurx he joined a long time ago when youtube was started so noone was registered as nick yet so he got it.

  46. tehchase1313 says:

    i just love video games

  47. NateC0le says:

    @1skittleses Great no I have to find the reply to Chris2oo9’s comment..

  48. CamarocrazyRS says:

    @ErickTheGreat100 fuck*

  49. abdinas3 says:

    nick and beck have absolutely NO GAME AT ALL!!!

  50. ShutUpItsErin says:

    I’m just saying I looked for like a good 10 minutes for floweryolks comment. ITS NOT HERE. Chris2oo9’s is though:/
