Road To 30 Ep 27 – Starting Over As A Respectable Member Of Society – BL2 Krieg Lets Play!

No War w/ Syria and Philly Smoke Down 8: Confessions of an Iraq/Afghan Vet
September 10, 2013
bong rips
September 11, 2013

Road To 30 Ep 27 - Starting Over As A Respectable Member Of Society - BL2 Krieg Lets Play!Episode 27 of my Road To 30 Series. In this series I will go back through my 30 years of life over the next 30 episodes and pick out stories and experiences …


  1. FlatJack21 says:

    Mac do a vlog for ep 30 PLEASE that would be soo good

  2. Isidor Savic says:

    Bitches love ditches…

  3. MrMADDO17 says:

    And MAK was born….

  4. Patrick Jensen says:

    Snichs are bitchs that inup dichs with stichs

  5. Jacob White says:

    is mak black? im not being racist im just curious

  6. Shaddy Gamer says:

    will you ever do a dupe sesh on xbox ? maybe after uvhm 2 ?

  7. Patrick Jensen says:

    I can imagine Jay making dat facepalm on that bitch

  8. Mat Yep says:

    Huh alot of cunts in this episode 🙂 like Judy

  9. Lamkshj kanhi says:

    Mak are you friends with Itani?

  10. Chancelor Fletcher says:


  11. Jetslurpfunk says:

    Jay I have randomly started to yell MCNUGGET in school and then my friends started doing. You have started the MCNUGGET ARMY

  12. Snowa Kazubowsi says:


  13. Patrick Jensen says:

    Fuck you you motherfucking dipshit go fuck your mom and fuckedi fuck fuck motherfucker fuck you you piece of shit! lol…

  14. Sift Slasher AE says:

    What’s the song at the end

  15. rubenator6 says:

    @ivrytor i agree one of my top 10 BTW! ive been wasting my time with this game all day have a look its tight ->\8NeP9Q

  16. rsing253 says:

    best exit ever

  17. Patrick Jensen says:

    Police = Real life trolls

  18. oneeyedwillie82 says:

    Best outtro ever lol. First vehicle i owned ford escort van both mufflers fell off within a month apart yeah that shit was load but sounded kinda cool

  19. JollyMaori says:

    48:29 to 48:36 sounds like you’re explaining how hot wheels are made

  20. JollyMaori says:

    when you said the water kinda floats in jersey i thought to myself damn son even the water in jersey is high

  21. Cory Lowe says:

    i love it when u make an example of what happened and then go off on tangent for couple secs and then go back

  22. Nicholas Chavarria says:

    Best ending ever

  23. BlueRedGooGoo says:

    Yo jay, you forgot the picture of the pontiac! I backtracked through the video looking for them twice

  24. luke raphael says:

    best ending ever

  25. Ignacio Ulep says:

    Mak i have a feeling that this is your public diary

  26. Michael Hogan says:

    That outro doe

  27. Driftythegamer says:

    I just realized MAK stands for MorninAfterKill yeah… I’m an idiot

  28. NubeKillersxGamers says:

    dat ending

  29. astros2021 says:

    ayye mak my bros got a trans am just like yours eveything is pretty much the same

  30. Anthony Tien says:

    No, he mentioned before that he was white

  31. MystiCxdoggy says:

    No one cares YOLO

  32. PoketechShraeder says:

    Weren’t you gonna show a picture of your car and the pic your friend took?

  33. Quaid higgins says:

    No that was episode one.

  34. TheDKing67 says:

    Gonna be sad when this series ends was awesome, but that ending though XD

  35. Mysticxkitty . says:

    That ending gave me the fuckin feels!!! Mak ur the man

  36. psandds05 says:

    not at all. if you look at the very first ep of this series. he is pale as hell

  37. midgetwow123 says:

    “I hate people named Judy”  -MAK

  38. Didj WARD says:

    So good man

  39. Patrick Jensen says:

    Should we tweet this to that jamie guy just to make jay happy?

  40. Janet Maya says:

    Wait so she is 50 and you’re still living with her? That’s what I call true love dedication

  41. Patrick Jensen says:

    And if you have a problem with swearing why are you on the internet!?

  42. Jimmy Earley says:

    Soo is this the last episode or no

  43. hellgatez1 says:

    * hold i’m on the phone * XD

  44. hellgatez1 says:

    and the ending was AWESOOOOOOME 😀

  45. Patrick Jensen says:

    Lets not forget the patch for zeros death mark the best thing ever! I hope you are being sarcastic because i am

  46. MrKutless7 says:

    That outtro was pretty epic.

  47. Snowa Kazubowsi says:

    Lol ploop HEAD ON ROOF

  48. RamboWare says:

    my fav thing to do now is just to yell MCNUGGET at everyone

  49. 96kenpierce says:


  50. Chancelor Fletcher says:

