Pot Smoking: Is Twilight Memory Real?

New shop bathroom and kitchen updates
January 22, 2014
Cannabis smoker vs. Alcohol drinker, the diverse effects and a true story from living it.
January 22, 2014

Pot Smoking: Is Twilight Memory Real?Now that marijuana is legal in 2 states, further studies on the effects of the drug on the brain are being conducted. Last year, one study found that long-te…


  1. Karl Slicher says:

    Anything done too much is going to be bad for you, hence the “too much”
    bit. People need more self-control.

  2. Jesse Maison says:

    Most people who smoke weed do other drugs as well. Correlation is not

  3. theragabash42 says:

    Obviously ingesting anything not “meant” to be ingested is going to lead to
    some negative side effects, the problem with this however is that, like
    many have said before, alcohol and cigarettes are already legal, and have
    been proven to have MORE negative side effects than marijuana. I’m not
    saying make alcohol and cigarettes illegal, but how about we start treating
    marijuana like any of these other substances when talking about them, this
    should not be such a huge debate seeing as how i have said before, alcohol
    and cigarettes can be consumed freely in any amount with little to no legal
    repercussion leading to cancer in cigarette use, and cirrhosis in alcohol
    abusers. But we get our panties all in a bunch because marijuana causes a
    bit of memory loss? Something about this just doesn’t make sense.

  4. snarplaya says:

    What a cesspool of propaganda. 

  5. Dylan Drees says:

    Carl Sagan seemed just fine despite his cannabis use.

  6. Corristo89 says:

    I’m just concerned that conservatives will now crack down even harder on
    marijuana to prove that it really will make you into a person from Reefer

    They’re basically discovering that smoking marijuana over long periods of
    time (how much anyway? Like a chain smoker who goes through half a box a
    day or just one joint in the evening?) will have the same effects as heavy
    usage of alcohol and/or tabacco, only that their negative effects are
    accepted while those of marijuana are frowned upon.

    So why is rotting your brain with weed worse than destroying it with
    alcohol? We know the reasons for banning weed are all well reasoned and
    scientifically grounded and not at all supported by lobby groups 😉 I mean
    the guy who advocated the banning of marijuana claimed that it would make
    white women want to have sex with black men…

  7. KiwiTomCrawford says:

    I just glad that people won’t be sent to jail any more for voluntarily
    ingesting a substance that is relatively benign compared with even alcohol.
    Legalization will also mean weed will stop being used as a gateway drug as
    drug dealers will not longer be able to put harder drugs onto their weed
    customers simply because drug dealers won’t have anymore weed customers.
    Certainly there are negative effect to using weed, but just as with alcohol
    it should be treated as purely a medical problem and treatment should be
    given to those that need help, they shouldn’t just be thrown in jail.

  8. FotonicBeats says:

    most people smoke weed for creative purpose or because they feel low or sad
    and they don’t want that…the same with alcohol,not for creative purpose
    thought but to get a little bit of “balls”…at least that’s the feeling
    they get because in reality they act like dumb ass douches(maybe not all
    people but most of them)…
    as Louis CK said crying is poetic…just think about this:If you have a bad
    day and you’re sad, you might wanna get passed that with a little bit of
    alcohol,maybe some weed to make you feel special. How the fuck did that
    helped you?If you’d just embrace it and go trough it, your brain will find
    a way out to make you feel better but by drinking or smoking weed all
    you’re doing is making it confused,dizzy and you’re “giving him a false
    smile on his face” + now we know will make you dumber…
    and those who think that smoking blunt after blunt after blunt will give
    them an amazing imagination and creativity…I don’t really think so, at
    least in my case… For me it never helped,I was just distracted a lot by
    thinking at stupid things. So I think that that’s the placebo effect that
    they’re getting there. It would be nice to see a study on that…give to an
    artist a fake blunt and tell him that it’s real and see what is going on…

  9. Icecreamwolf says:

    In the Netherlands it is legal to smoke pot when you’re 18 years old. You
    think it’s awesome? The people who smoke pot are also concidered losers.

  10. AversiePzz says:

    I can’t take this study serious.. Obviously, kids who start smoking at a
    younger age aren’t (most of the time) the smartest kids around. I mean, i
    have tried it when i was younger and i know i was a fucking idiot as a kid.
    And the people i hang around with weren’t (and still aren’t) the smartest
    kids. Now, people that i know that started smoking at an older age, are
    pretty intelligent people.. (in general ofcourse)

  11. Andrew B says:

    lol, so how long until blu makes a electronic joint? like the e cigs, but
    with THC instead of nicotine.

  12. SinerAthin says:

    Tobacco is harmful, but it’s not banned, is it?

    Imo, drugs would be less of a problem if they were legal.

    It’s better to handle it as a health problem than a criminal problem.
    Mainly because you don’t have cartels & terrorist organizations making
    their funding off it.

    Plus, it’d ruin the excitement around its use.

  13. Þorvaldur Thoroddsen says:

    hmm whats this then… it says here that 15 studies showed that it only had
    minor affect on memory. and no affect on iq.

  14. kris johnson says:

    The US government delivers 300 grams of federally funded weed to several
    pepole in the United States sense the early 80’s and they have not gone bat
    shit crazy and still smart! The weed comes from the University of

  15. Joe Martin says:

    I get stoned and watch DNews to keep my I.Q up lol Blaze It

  16. RemcoMB says:

    I was intelligent once…but I live in the Netherlands…so

  17. Shawn Ravenfire says:

    When pot was illegal in all states, all I ever heard from scientists is how
    perfectly safe it is, how it has no provable harmful effects, and how all
    the “dangers” of smoking pot were just propaganda from the anti-pot
    lobbies. As soon as it’s legalized, I’m suddenly hearing about all the
    scientific data that shows that it’s really dangerous, and how all the
    “safety” stuff is just pro-pot propaganda. Could you imagine if pot
    becomes so legal that it becomes a big business like tobacco? We’ll be
    bombarded with “truth campaign” ads telling out how the evil pot
    corporation has been lying to us and brainwashing us, and their product is
    killing people left and right, and how in a better world, it would be
    totally banned. Maybe we should make it illegal again so it will go back
    to talking about how it ought to be legalized.

    “Welcome to Crazy-World.”

  18. phyrath5 says:

    It should be legal. It should all be legal. I hate the stuff, I just do
    not see how the government rightfully has or should have the power to ban

  19. Greg fincher says:

    i think it good to find out what the facts pot smocking are so we can start
    getting over the myths and learn how we can us it for good

  20. fainjuda says:

    I smoke everyday and I’m so bright my mom and dad call me sun!

  21. mtfr says:

    Thumbs up for marilizing legalijuana!

  22. Iuri Gregorio says:

    well the only way to get pot is if you know the right people, normaly low
    lifes, thiefes, stuff like that. So by getting along with those ppl, u get
    another attitude, drop out of school, never studieing

  23. Wickup Simmons says:

    ▼ *Let me know what you think about this* ▼

    *GOOGLE:* TruthContest, click on the 1st result and read ” The Present. ”

    *Write here in the comments, what your opinion on this is. :)*

  24. FilthyJFK209 says:

    Terrible high impression at beginning.

  25. med vet says:

    Sometimes I love science and sometimes I hate it

  26. L Gorman says:

    Alcohol / Booze is still worse .. buy alot .. Booze can cause Anger ..
    Cannabis the opposite. Do you ever hear about cannabis users beating up
    their spouse? no no you don’t .. Medical Cannabis is far far safer than any
    opioid / OXY / Morphine .. you understand .. and science? Depending on whom
    is paying for said science makes all the difference. It seems huge
    companies that are under attack .. o .. for example Big Pharma, Alcohol /
    Booze, Pulp and Paper .. Cotton , . even energy is conducting so called
    science. . Government .. opps .. I mean the “elected” people in
    government are supported in elections by donations .. were do you think
    this money comes from? Open Market? Many people think “science” is very
    one sided. In Canada .. the Canadian Government in the last five years has
    FIRED over 2000 .. just to keep things quite. The West Cost because of
    JAPAN the ocean is dying .. Fish and Mammals were being tested and they are
    over 50% of the radiation aloud in food. However Canada fired these
    scientists. Shut them down. Alberta Oil Sands .. fired their Science group
    .. and now have x oil people running the show. Double edged sword. Not
    sure what to think about that word “science” any longer because science can
    be used for good .. and bad depending again on which side you are on. I
    wonder if there is ever going to be a science that is for the good of all
    people. I think we should have a World Science Group that is funded by
    all country’s and not Companies .. maybe then we could have Real Science.
    If left in Governments hands .. depending on how the wind blows you might
    .. or not get the truth .. Canada just shut down and destroyed there
    Science Library’s with years of research .. gone .. because it showed the
    world that Radiation from Japan .. Oil and manufacturing is causing huge
    problems with in our Land .. our Food our People … WAKE UP .. 

  27. Raul Perez says:

    for the government yes more tax to “pay off” the huge debt. for the
    population? not a great idea. the way i see it? the more pot heads in the
    world the more opportunities I got in life,in other words less competition.

  28. CheeseNick11 says:

    Just don’t be an idiot and start doing shit you will regret

  29. Tony Gentile says:

    now do the test with alchohol …. some die …… and the users get stupid

  30. frenchy137 says:

    If you abuse any specif thing, it will have negative consequences…

    I have been having trouble with asthma up until I started to smoke pot
    occasionally (3-4 times a month). Based on science, one would think that
    smoking would automatically be bad for the lungs and for asthma. Yet, I
    barely have to use my medication for asthma now. Anyone else experienced
    the same thing?

  31. o0hotoko0o says:

    Still haven’t heard any deaths due to weed usage. Guess low IQ won’t kill
    you haha

  32. Chanpekes Norris says:

    Yes very nice, keep updating about this news, but i would like to see some
    good news too xD, also, also i think we need a lot of research for this,
    because i actually did a bet, i bet that i would consume it everyday while
    i was cursing college (5 – 6 years), a degree in human nutrition, and what
    happened, well i ended up beign the top 3 on ratings and did social service
    in 2 hospital, so i think it can affect you different depending on the
    amount or the type or maybe your genes or brains, with research we will
    now, but well i do recommend you eating it because thats how you take
    advantage of all the essential fatty oil and cannabinoids (not only THC)
    the plant has and it doesnt burn you respiratory system.

  33. Deniska Vasilev says:

    You know, of these people that have been used for said tests, I wonder just
    how mentally “healthy” they were before they started smoking weed, said
    tests would probably if not most likely be inaccurate, another thing to
    mention is if they had used any other kind of substance in conjunction with
    weed if at all or if they also drink alcohol on a frequent basis if at all,
    another thing to mention is IQ tests are sometimes very inaccurate. The
    study in question in the end really can’t be trusted for it’s “accuracy”
    because of the circumstances involving mental health, use of other drugs in
    conjunction with or separate from weed, and alcohol usage. More study
    really needs to be done before any valid assumptions or even conclusions
    can be made on the subject of weed, but in other words, “need more input”.

  34. Brandon Spalding says:

    are they sure the 25 years study is right? and did they only smoke pot how
    are they sure ?

  35. Echo81Rumple83 says:

    Everything in moderation indeed. Even chronic consumption of wheat-based
    foods can harm you later in life — yours truly is guilty of that.

  36. Asterat Terat says:

    I would much prefer if my father were marijuana smoker instead of
    alcoholic. And I certainly hope that in a few next decades marijuana will
    replace alcohol as a popular drug used to relax in a company of friend or
    just escape from reality or problems.
    I seems to me if a man becomes dumb happy stoned friendly smoker for the
    rest for his life it’s WAY, WAY better than to be painfully addicted to
    alcohol and not eve always able to make his way to the toilet. 

  37. Samir Davis says:

    Weed is as bad as any other substance that effects your body like tobacco,
    alcohol, prescription drugs and illegal drugs. the more and longer you take
    the worse its going to effect your body long term, its logic? If you smoke
    a joint now and then it is not going to affect you much at all, but if you
    smoke all day everyday obviously its going to damage something, probably
    your wallet first though

  38. personwhoesrandom123 says:

    This isn’t really surprising…..

  39. shane bacawaka says:

    I am a 4.0 College Engineering student who is a casual user of pot. Take
    that you dumb studies for generalizing all pot users as stupid. 

  40. Trippy says:

    Legalize all drugs dummies, make life safe for everyone & take money out of
    the smaller criminal gangs (the largest is the government), it’s the only

  41. Stevo Todic says:

    well that’s odd, I’m a chronic and also a certified cnc
    machinist/programmer, I do triganometry every day in order to create code
    in certan applications for the machines that have parts with certain
    dimensions. I think that the true fact is that if you are a lazy forgetful
    idiot to begin with based on crappy genes then pot is definately going to
    affect you as you cannot afford to get any fucking dumber, but if your
    smart and have drive right out the gate then pot isn’t going to affect you
    that much other than slow down a person and relax them after a stressful
    day. I have smoked chronically for 17 years and feel like i get smarter
    every day but that’s because i take the initiative to learn and that all
    comes back to my point about genes, it’s the smoker not the smoke, fuck
    your inaccurate studies!

  42. NewsSpeakRadio says:

    I think its pretty safe to say that know-one knows shit about short to long
    term effects of weed. These study’s are a start, but we need 10-15 years of
    intense scientific research into the drug before we glorify it or denounce
    it. Making weed legal is only going to perpetuate the research of the drug,
    which can only be a good thing right?

  43. mikeyslooking says:

    when people smoke pot they do not give a crap about IQ .
    and that works

  44. jinelle bramante says:

    too much of anything is no good. 

  45. Sebastián Anguiano says:

    btw, smoking screws your lungs and heart and by extension poor oxigenation
    on all your body(brain also), alcohol dehidrates your body and damages
    brain cells, not even gonna start on liver and all the medcinal drugs, even
    soda is damaging ( having flame retardant or even acid enough to remove
    rust) everything has a toll in our body 

  46. FlashySenap says:

    I’m no smoker of that substance but I see the positive sides of legalizing
    cannabis, mostly in terms of lowering crime rate and crime affiliation but
    also preventing gateway possibilities for heavier stuff better. Plus the
    money that got into criminal organizations can now return to become tax
    generated income everyone can benefit from (taxes are great!).

  47. Charles Jourdan says:

    I don’t believe marijuana is bad nor alcohol, what I do believe is

  48. Reed Campbell says:

    I dont smoke weed but that first study was horse shit

  49. SnakeRiverFishing says:

    Working on getting my I.Q. down to zero over here

  50. Nick Remley says:

    For the people that are against marijuana look at it from this point of
    view caffeine alcohol cigarettes do the same thing to you overtime like you
    said everything should be done in moderation I think marijuana should be
    legal not for everybody but you know so it into action shots make it no
    taxable and not accessible to anyone under 18 not saying that people under
    18 won’t be able to get it I’m just saying a lot of shit will change and
    the whole fact on that its a gateway drug its not a gateway drug the only
    reason why it might be is because it’s in the hands of the drug cartels it
    was sold in a store it would eliminate that fact think about it
