Pot Smokers Must Choose: Guns Or Pot?

January 22, 2014
My Medicinal marijuana grow update 2014
January 23, 2014

Pot Smokers Must Choose: Guns Or Pot?“The Illinois Department of Public Health on Tuesday unveiled their proposed rules for the state’s medical marijuana pilot program — including several propo…


  1. Ollie ThePest says:

    YAY! I’m in Illinois! “oh, Everything is better with a bag of weed…”

  2. dannukesem says:

    It just seems the government just can’t resist telling people what to do

  3. jag10 says:


  4. Sgotya says:

    love the last comment made towards the end of this clip. All these stupid
    fucking politicians do is talk out their asses! Have NO IDEA about the
    science behind marijuana. All they base it on is taboo talk and what their
    masters have told them. They have no idea how to implement critical
    thinking! argh! I am so ashamed to be human at this point :/

  5. codingkriggs says:

    Excellent point by John at the end there.

  6. Jimmy stone says:

    fuck the NRA and fuck the government Im an adult and Ill smoke pot and have
    a gun until death do us part.

  7. 9753flyer says:

    Most of these restrictions will never survive a court challenge, nor should

    More people are killed by guns and alcohol, but of course they can keep
    their guns…

  8. iCON Slimjrod says:

    I say shoot science with your gun! ha! …ok, I really don’t…

  9. swashtube says:


  10. Katie Newmeyer says:

    Why do you libs care? You support confiscation, so this is your dream
    bill. And you think paying money, etc to get medical weed is
    obstructionist? To get my concealed carry permit in Illinois, I have to
    take 16 hours of classes (most in the country), pay a ton of money and take
    tests, get my own picture taken, etc. So save the bullshit.

  11. MR. Mushroom says:

    I’m dangerously creative when I’m high, I’m much more likely to think
    outside the box.

  12. nexus1g says:

    Simply put, alcohol should be a controlled substance as well.

  13. gjmvi says:


  14. DarkwingScooter says:

    The very fact that scientists can’t use the scientific method to reliably
    win every election demonstrates that you really don’t want to mix science
    and politics.

    All kinds of bad things happen when you try that, partly because for
    science to work properly it must always treat its own output as
    provisional. Politics deals in “facts”, not science.

  15. Midnight Fapper says:

    oh, the plastic surgery queer supports the “scientific method”? lets start
    with admitting that blacks have lower iq scores than whites.

    whoops. that doesn’t fit the communist agenda.

  16. StoIenLogic says:

    4:28 Brilliant

  17. Etheoma says:

    Well considering smoking lots of pot has this risk of developing various
    mental disorders, which only really applies if you were at risk in the
    first place as well and also only applies to high THC low oh I forgot the
    other drug that is in marijuana but its basically been shown to much lower
    the psychosomatic effects of THC.

    But high potency marijuana has less of this drug and more THC so yeah.

    But anyways my point was that considering that I don’t think its a bad
    idea, although alcohol my make you temporally stupid and I think it should
    be against the law to carry and drink.

    But pot can break your brain so.

  18. midevilmonkeyterd says:

    the people in charge of our country are not very smart . . . yup.

  19. Greg Wills says:

    A stoned congress might solve a lot of problems. With the increase in
    empathy. They would likely become a little more compassionate and might
    get along better. Not like they could do any less work. I bet they would
    not like all the secrecy we have if they were high. Although there is that
    whole ability to declare war thing with a potential for increase in
    paranoia. I bet C-Span would get better ratings.

    (R) Congressman Rush Holt is a physicists.

  20. Foresight616 says:

    NRA says NOTHING about an unconstitutional violation, A LEGITIMATE
    VIOLATION OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT, but they raise a shit fit over 85-95% of
    the American people saying “We want universal background checks for firearm
    ownership.” saying that it violated the right to bare arms. These people
    are absolutely idiotic. We shouldn’t be at a point where there are people,
    like me, who think that we should demand an IQ test for political office.

  21. Gregory Alasday says:

    Restrictions, background checks, can’t own a gun.. yeaah. Ill just call my

  22. Muskoka Man says:

    I’ll take the pot for $200 Alex

  23. darkJman77 says:

    Yes they should smoke weed before deciding on marijuana laws, but if they
    do then they might tack on massive tax breaks to Taco Bell, Doritos, and
    Mountain Dew!! But in all seriousness it is a problem for lawmakers to make
    laws (or draft bills) based on ignorance not wisdom on a topic.

  24. cosmosgato says:

    Let’s cut to the chase.
    Big Pharma and the alcohol industry are *FrEaking OuT!*
    Pot is nearly an existential threat to them.
    Their flying monkeys called lobbyist have been released. 

  25. Azure Neptune says:

    Thanks to this new law pot smokers are now free to be abused and victimized
    by criminals. 

  26. Kathic says:

    I could see this being struck down.

  27. cbbuntz says:

    What about guns that shoot bong hits?

  28. PhychoDauphin says:

    guns that shoots pot

  29. Hiway says:

    it is designed to be struck down- to obfuscate any decision on medical
    cannabis overall. If they ride any bill with bullshit legislation, it gets
    buried or tossed out- then you gotta start all over- and then the opponents
    get to say that the public shot it down before so it is harder to get put
    on the floor as a resolution, thus creating the real impetus behind the
    game afoot… fund raising- both for and against the issue… that is what
    it’s about.

  30. Devan Neeley says:

    I always hated those math problems. “If Charlie has 12 apples, then eats
    one, what is the diameter of his mothers armpit hair?” They never did make
    much sense. Anyway, I am outraged that they won’t people to choose between
    weed, or guns. What a fucking joke.

  31. FaceOfGod2 says:

    I get my weed from a raging alcoholic. He gets so drunk he passes out and
    falls over. Then I take his weed and leave an AA meeting schedule next to
    his face.

  32. Barack Smith says:

    The NRA won’t support Pot users using guns. Pot using gun owner are more
    likely to forget to buy ammo or load their guns..- HA!

  33. Bizzare Johnson says:

    Ha Illinois is one of the most ridiculous states ever. Ive lived in
    Illinois my whole life and thats completely ridiculous. 

  34. xxhellspawnedxx says:

    There was a good point made in another video about politics I saw a couple
    of days ago. Mainly that when it comes to science and politics, the people
    engaged in either field are opposed, on a very basic level. The politician,
    in general, is a narcissist (not a clinical narcissist, mind you, just a
    bread-and-butter variety) who thinks that he’s right in anything and
    everything, and projects that. That is what gets you elected more than
    anything else, when it comes to politics, because it’s all about
    popularity. Not saying lofty goals and a down-to-earth disposition doesn’t
    contribute as well, but nothing contributes quite as much as the rock hard
    confidence you have in your own standpoints.

    Meanwhile, the scientist isn’t like that at all. He looks for answers and
    are up-front with that, as opposed to the narcissists assumption that he
    has the answers, and projecting that to the audience. Sadly, that makes him
    less electable, because people don’t feel secure with people who changes
    their “opinions” in line with the current scientific understanding. There
    are wide-spread misconceptions someone who isn’t rock-solid in his
    convictions about anything and everything he says could one day switch to
    “Let’s gas the jews” or something equally as abhorrent and horrid.

    So, this is the sad fact of popular elections. It’s not primarily about
    ideals, plans, being a common man or whatever. When it comes to narcissist
    vs narcissist, there one with the most positive qualities will win, of
    course, but when it comes to narcissist vs scientist, no matter how
    superior and well-spoken the scientist is in his positions, the narcissist
    will win. It’s about being a self-centered and overconfident prat, quite

    So, to get around this, we need a meritocracy. You shouldn’t be allowed to
    assume a political position you’re not fit for, knowledge-wise, and you
    shouldn’t be allowed to make any decision without consulting with
    specialists in relevant fields, and abiding by their knowledge. And once
    this was put in place we would see an immediate change. None of this two
    steps forward, one step back bullshit. Real progress, not half progress one
    fourth regress (and often more like 50-50 between the two).

  35. Anthony Peasley says:

    I am unconvinced they think marijuana makes them dangerous, but rather slow
    reaction time, more judgement etc etc but BUT.. same could be said about
    vicodin and oxycotin.. 

  36. satanclaw says:

    Marihuana can cause Psychosis. That can make owning a gun interesting.

  37. Raven Crim says:

    i smoke my gun, problem solved. 

  38. raidpirate15 says:

    Who would consider marijuana? It makes you sterile, gives you man boobs,
    unproductive, and a pain in the ass to be around. I’ve never put marijuana
    in my body and I’m proud of that fact. More I can say about the most of you
    here who sold your body out. 

  39. amazedsatsuma says:

    Yup the left isn’t immune in making dumb laws through I do love that NRA,
    aka the ultimate watchdog group for gun rights, is refusing to make an
    official comment. I guess it is hard to defend the rights of potheads to
    own firearms after one of the biggest media events last ear being the
    Zimmerman trial which involved labeling an unarmed teenager a thug based
    partly on the fact he had smoke weed.

  40. MDWGUNS says:

    Umm You can’t have a law that makes you give up a constitutional right.
    That would be ridiculous. 

  41. lMrFresno559l says:

    I think more people who own guns should smoke pot. They would be much safer
    with them. 

  42. notunlikethewaves says:

    fingerprint for vicodin…was that a joke? :/

  43. utauponymon R says:

    The total made no sense of course the pot smokers are going to choose pot

  44. Ronald Walker says:

    That last statement by the guy on the right made me look up his name so I
    can thank him properly and follow him on twitter. THANK YOU JOHN IADAROLA!
    FUCKING THANK YOU! By the way awesome last name

  45. Buzz Werd says:

    That’s why we have a Bureau of ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, and FIREARMS.

  46. Parks DW says:

    Thank Jon, THANK YOU!!!

  47. cyberanimealien says:

    …well played government, well played.

  48. Sanguine says:

    +1 for the scientific method.

  49. bgjohnson12341 says:

    I bet the NRA is gonna be pissed about this…

  50. Eric Fernau says:

    two pucks and some weed, band name, called it.
