NH: GOP rep has pot cookbook

Billy Jude Cancer update
March 8, 2013
Kathleen Madigan and Mama make some healthy choices
March 8, 2013

NH: GOP rep has pot cookbookSponsor: – NH: GOP rep has pot cookbook. This vid is – or likely will be – part of a playlist. A link should eventually appear below, where you…


  1. bananapapers says:

    I need to talk to the Ridley Report guy

  2. TheEagle12901 says:

    Sense moving to Concord in Aug I have been to the state house for firearm legislation several times. I have met several of our representatives and find it refreshing comming from NY how approachable they are. I am glad to know at least she can correct the error of her ways. Live free or Die

  3. xzero0100 says:

    you just waste your weed if you cook with it.

  4. unseenrecordings says:

    she’s a slow learner

  5. withwingsaseagleeyes says:

    Just think, we wouldn’t be drinking out of poisonous Plastic Petroleum based Bottles if Marijuana wasn’t Criminalized then because then the base could have been Hemp Seed Oil in which would be GREEN PRODUCT, whereas Petroleum based = NON-GREEN.. And we would have Hemp seed based Gas as well which burns much much much cleaner the Petroleum based Gas. And many other uses THEY removed this plant from becoming. Hemp Plastic Cars, FORD also was making his engines to run on Vegetable oil based gas.

  6. TheRiceowlex says:

    The bottom line is I’m not a child and these governments aren’t mommy and daddy
    who need to instruct me on what I can or cannot smoke, eat, drink..etc…Watch
    “Rick Simpson, Run From the Cure”..This state rep should watch it also.

  7. withwingsaseagleeyes says:

    Now if everyone learns the REAL HISTORY of why it fell from use which it was USED VERY MUCH before THESE Greedy MEN which involved Families which still have ties in manipulation of OUR So-called Corporate Structured Government which gets funding via Politicians in their own pockets while screwing us with the bill, which btw will not work if ALL PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD WAKE UP. You must put pieces of history together not just local TIME but Back in TIME throughout History and you will see…

  8. withwingsaseagleeyes says:

    Like mos of the People who Believe in LAWS made by MEN. 😉

  9. bazookafluke says:

    Well, at least she learned, kinda. Better late than never, eh? Refreshing since most people I know around her generation are too stubborn to budge on the other side of this issue no matter what facts you bring up

  10. jmf420 says:

    Not if you know what you are doing. Edibles are a much more efficient way to stay medicated than smoking flowers.

  11. jalend0gg says:

    No shit, she’s 40 years late…..
