MMAR Coalition Update Jan 25th Full HD

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January 26, 2013

MMAR Coalition Update Jan 25th Full HDThe Harper Government has passed legislation to amend Health Canada’s Medical Marijuana Access Regulations (MMAR) and plans to enact the ‘New Regulations’ on March 31, 2013. The proposed New Regulations will prohibit self-cultivation of strain-specific plants and patients will have to become a registered client of a Licenced Producer and purchase Health Canada approved and authorized cannabis strains and qualities and the licence will be valid for two years instead of the current requirement to


  1. Tittylovwr says:

    You look like your doing good , good to see ya’

  2. bababludrawz says:

    Respect to ur motivations bro, but sht like u s gov kid napping
    1 patriot …!!free marc!!!!..what can we (socalledamericans) realistically do?..p

  3. Jason Wilcox says:

    See side bar for this video

    MMAR PPL/DPL Coalition against Repeal
    mmarcoalitionagainstrepeal com
    coalitionagainstrepeal gmail com

    Fax 1-866-344-6983
    Mobile 604-562-7731

  4. xXQuikDethXx says:

    Awesome info Jason!..I’m personally entering my 2nd year of trying to find a doctor who has the balls to help me with the paperwork.I guess all I can do is keep fighting.

  5. eastcoastherb says:

    good morning from Nova Scotia Jason

  6. r kelley says:

    keep up the good work my friend….we come from the same place!

  7. Bo Ganggles says:

    Thank you for all the info and hard work. Again if their is anything else i can do besides an impact statement please let me know.

  8. Jason Wilcox says:

    LOL indeed its is morning now here in BC, I guess like evening for me.

    Jason Wilcox
    The Cannabis in Canada Society
