Medicinal Marijuana. Day 14 of flower. Fed yesterday, watered today..

marijuana plant (2 & half weeks old CFL)
April 1, 2012 – We Sell Bug Resistant Seed Strains! – Robot Commercial #6
April 2, 2012

Medicinal Marijuana. Day 14 of flower. Fed yesterday, watered today..Food yesterday, water today. Videos around 4:20 all month long… Put up the ceiling and topped a few of the new girls. This is day 14 of flower. Let it GROW -Paulie Walnuts


  1. dkbcps990 says:

    love the 4:20 man dam how many gurls in there u feeding AN

  2. dkbcps990 says:

    nevermind i seen other video it say 23
