Medicinal Marijuana, completely legalize, or keep it illegal?

do you agree with this conspiracy about marijuana?
September 11, 2010
What are three easy ways to growing plants or marijuana?
September 11, 2010
Medicinal Marijuana
the dude asked:

I wanna know how many people think that marijuana should be only used for medical purpose, completely legalized, or keep it illegal? i think it should be legalized and taxed


  1. Munkstump says:

    The only way to see “how many people want to legalize” is to have it brought up by two opposing candidates before an election.

  2. whiteboi357 says:

    it should be completely legalized
    tax it just like we do tobacco and alcohol…

  3. vanna204 says:

    Well, check out this link if you are pro-marijuana. I have no problem against marijuana, but I don’t know if I’d be completely comfortable if the my fate was held in the hands of a high jury, or I’m getting surgery by a doctor that is blazed out of his mind. So I’m still unsure of my opinion on the matter.

  4. TreeHugger says:

    I think that medicinal marijuana should be legalized. It can really help those you need it, and has been proven to be an effective way of curing mental disorders and is a form of pain relief that (when you use a vaporizer or just don’t smoke it) is less harmful then some of the other legal drugs out there.

  5. William T says:

    Studies have shown that what few medicinal properties marijuana has are only good for treating symptoms, not conditions. So it’s basically a huge waste of time and money. It’s just an excuse for people to get high.

  6. Ravie S says:

    People dying of cancer should be able to get high as often as they want, in my opinion.

  7. thorn105 says:

    I think it should be legalized. Alcohol is far more damaging to the body, mind, our families and friends, etc.

  8. imrational says:

    I think recreational marijuana should be legalized.
    I do NOT think that medical marijuana should be legalized.

    Why? Because medical marijuana means that it is being used to treat medical conditions.

    Even with herbal products, we cannot control the dose.

    We cannot control the quality. Examinations of other herbals for sale in drugstores found a large number contaminated with other plants! (around 40%)

    We cannot control side effects. Marijuana has thousands of active chemicals. We don’t know what most of them can do or will do… we don’t know how it will interact with other medications.

    We have isolated THC which is the chemical usually identified with marijuanas beneficial effects… we know the dosages and can control quality.

    Legalize marijuana for recreational use… but before giving prescriptions for medical problems… we need to do more hardcore research.
