Marijuana – Good or Bad?

John Trudell feat.ThaRapture1 – Response Ability (tAOToONrmX)
December 22, 2014
December 22, 2014

thank you guys SO much for 1000 subscribers! i love every single one of you thank you for all of the support! social media //


  1. Ashley Stoner-Morrison says:

    people that have addiction are likely to get addicted, its not the weed,its
    the person, weed saved me from addiction and eating disorders 

  2. rich2rock says:

    Alcohol and cigarettes are good for you and raise your intelligence to
    astronomical levels. Why do you think they drink so much in congress and
    wall street and other leadership positions. Don’t forget how benign
    pharmaceutical drugs (opiates) are. Oh and all the pristine air and water
    we have to our disposal. 

  3. Marisa Moglovkin says:

    i love your hair ughh

  4. Gilbert duMotier says:

    Are you old enough to have tattoos? Your ears aren’t coming back. Doesn’t
    that scare you? That is some incredibly high risk behavior. The future
    repercussions to body modification are far worse than anything that ever
    happened to a stoner. You and I have something in common… we do not
    really understand each other. :)

  5. Bonnie Alyzabeth says:

    I think it’s a gateway for sure. It lead me to become a heroin addict. I
    have nothing against weed but it definitely can lead to bad things:(

  6. crystal4502 says:

    Ahhhh your so pretty it hurts! Just wondering what size are your ears?

  7. Nimesh89pwns says:

    How is it possible to be so pretty….
