‘Lady GaGa Says It’s Addictive So Of Course Pot Should Be Illegal’

‘This Week’ Marijuana in Colorado
February 3, 2014
Pegadinha com Ivo Holanda Programa Silvio Santos Bomba no orelhão
February 3, 2014

'Lady GaGa Says It's Addictive So Of Course Pot Should Be Illegal'“Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) invoked pop singer Lady Gaga at a congressional hearing on Wednesday in an effort to keep kids from having a bad romance with mari…


  1. runestone72 says:

    4:00 min ….hilarious

  2. StoIenLogic says:

    I’m so sick of Ana opening every single video she’s on. The fact that it is
    this way just proves that you just use her looks as a hook to capture mens

  3. wahr01 says:

    Question for Mr. Sessions:

    If you’re so big on law & order and hate marijuana users so much, why isn’t
    lady gaga behind bars? you know she’s using it, go get her! Oh wait..
    she’s in the 1%.. you SERVE her.

  4. Zappy Zap says:

    BTw, i hope this clip will be online 10 years from now.. i will love when
    the lawsuits come in to TYT for the promotion of drugs and of course that
    they say its NOT addictive.. i can see it now, the mothers suing the shit
    out of you when the kids die of heart attacks.. brought to them by weed…
    yea.. its a fact.

  5. TheHypnotstCollector says:

    20,772 views and I’m the first comment? Lady GaGa as a reference for
    reality is like George Bush as a reference for reality.

  6. IWashMyOwnBrain . says:

    These brain dead anti drug people have got to go.

  7. MrDioXIII says:

    Since when is a pop star a barometer for anything? I’m not particularly
    interested in the drug debate, but even this line of argument is silly.

  8. eddie bowens says:

    one thing i agree with the press.

  9. Alex Mondschein says:

    Lady GaGa and republican congressmen: the strangest of bedfellows.

  10. matt vovakiss says:

    I don’t think kids should use it for recreation, but if needed as a safe
    alternative for medicine they should. If a child were to get a hold of an
    edible or figure out how to smoke it… I really don’t think there will be
    much damage done to them. Safer than a child getting alcohol or
    prescription drugs by far. All fear and propaganda.

  11. johnnyatab says:

    Since Republicans think Lady GaGa worships the devil, I don’t know why any
    of them would refer to her. 

  12. papersplease says:

    Who is the woman sitting behind him?

  13. Hellbent says:

    This guy says he wants to keep your kids from getting pot. But it’s in his
    best interests that your kids smoke pot illegally. Because if they smoked
    it legally his corporate donors would lose all that prison money. Then he
    wouldn’t be able to make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for
    impeding the progress of society.

  14. djkoz78 says:

    The government couldn’t give a shit if it is harmless or not (which it
    isn’t) all they care about is protecting corporate interest. It had
    ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with harm reduction and EVERYTHING TO DO with
    making sure that corporate America gets their cut of money.

  15. Wastingsometimehere says:

    Republicans: “We have scientific proof marijuana is going to kill you!”

    Scientists: “We have proof global warming and evolution is real.”

    Republicans: “Science is a lie created from Satan!”

  16. Joe danero says:

    I can’t believe this is still an issue. Why are we so slow to make changes?
    It will be the fall of us.
    Damn oldheads!

  17. TheFatbip says:

    Another misleading title by TYT. I feel like almost all their videos have
    misleading titles now.

  18. Skinnymarks says:

    what are the rates of tobacco use compared to marijuana use in people under
    the age of 18. 

  19. martolives says:

    Money should be banned so politicians can’t get addicted to it.

  20. lentruthbtold riv says:

    Who cares what that wack job thinks she is just doing what all celebrities
    do, getting attention, hell by the way she acts maybe she should try it? If
    she does she’ll propably realize how crazy she looks,

    I still like her music.

  21. pixeloid says:

    Sessions is a fucking moron.

  22. ChristianMission says:

    The marijuana crowd advocates legalization on the basis that marijuana is
    not dangerous or addictive. However, we know it’s dangerous and addictive.
    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders actually lists
    marijuana addiction as a disorder needing treatment. Marijuana advocates
    conveniently ignore evidence conflicting with their claims.

  23. TheFallenMinion says:

    In the not too distant future these fear mongers will all pretty much be

  24. Eternal Torture says:

    Yeah right.
    Alcohol is addictive, ban it.
    Sex is addictive, ban it.
    Food is addictive, ban it.
    GaGa’s music is addictive (I’m sure someout out there will twerk to it),
    ban it.

  25. The10HourMan says:

    Lady Gaga smokes Marijuana fifteen times a day? Well, that’s no surprise,
    but it does explain a lot

  26. Mark Miller says:

    Guys I smoked a cone and fainted* last night, that shit is the devil.

    *For the second time in two days probably because of exhaustion because I’d
    been very busy and had had very little sleep. Also that was the first time
    I had smoked weed since new years morning. I’ll just blame weed rather
    than addressing my real problems because that’s easier. 

  27. Stephanie Garcia says:

    My humble opinion… you should be more neutral towards these sort of
    topics, since it seems like you’re only promoting your own criteria and
    political agenda, so seems to me that you’re no different from what you
    sometimes criticize…

  28. J.M. Lindner says:

    god damn!

  29. zh11147 says:

    religious people do not “cherry pick” from the bible

  30. frepi says:

    I guess that if Sessions is worried about the health of people that much,
    he must then have supported Obama care.

  31. Midnight Fapper says:

    only losers smoke marijuana.

  32. Romeo's Fire says:

    Just legalize it so I don’t have to hear these stupid arguments anymore

  33. WhyNotTruth says:

    Fuck you Gaga

  34. BurningThemDown says:

    ‘Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke. Now that’s an
    addiction, man. Ever sucked some dick for marijuana?’ – Bob Saget

  35. ghostfires says:

    actually cannabis dependence is a recognized psychiatric disorder

  36. eric02599 says:

    He says that republicans are quoting Lady Gaga and using her addiction as
    support for their agenda. Has anyone else seen any other republican quote
    Lady Gaga or is it only this one republican. I really like TYT but I feel
    like they judge all republicans on the actions of very minor numbers of

  37. Nathan samuelson says:

    Or the physical addiction to alcohol. That’s a stronger point. Why compare
    it to anything other than booze? It’s a vice. It’s responsible for so many
    deaths. And it’s legal.

    If these politicians want to demonize weed and give a pass to alcohol,
    nothing they say has any merit. 

  38. my minds eye says:

    I am appalled she has any say, she is a lousy pop singer worse than justin
    beiber and a lush who drinks like a fish

  39. ganger631 says:

    Yeah! We are going to see this generation people smoking pot instead of
    working in labs! Yolo.

  40. MotherofHells says:

    Alcohol is addictive too, marijuana feels better. specially when morning
    comes around. Legalize marijuana! 

  41. Joe Paradise says:

    Alabama? I don’t take much stock of what comes out of there.

  42. Tyler Whiting says:

    Marijuana continually lowers your IQ and memory permanently. Kids 11-17
    will be able to get pot so much more easily, its pretty annoying you keep
    saying they aren’t a factor. There have been issues in Colorado schools and

  43. MaHan05 says:

    Anyone who thinks Pot is more dangerous that Alcohol, hasn’t smoked the
    reefer. And until you do you will never understand the difference.

  44. Ryan HiGuy says:

    Pot, safe? nope! the ratio of health benefits to hazards is CRAZY
    outnumbered. Pot may have some small health benefits, but it’s
    scientifically proved to be overall more dangerous than smoking or alcohol.
    And if you still don’t believe me think for a sec, was the human body
    really made to consume Pot let alone any drug. Same goes with alcohol too,
    but instead of wanting some to get high, you’d probably want some cause it
    tastes good.

  45. Coos Oorlog says:

    Republicans are not allowed to make references to “science”.

  46. Kian Shahla says:

    Coffee is much more addictive.

  47. TheRhinehart86 says:

    Why do so many people have a problem differentiating between “addiction”
    and “habit”? An addictive substance is one that alters your brain chemistry
    in such a way that you become dependent on it, its a physical condition. A
    habit is when you do something often enough that you get used to it and can
    become agitated when its denied to you, habits can be pretty strong but it
    doesnt “trick” your brain into thinking you NEED it to live and you dont
    have PHYSICAL side effects, like nausea or weakness when you go without it.
    Weed is habit forming, not addictive.

  48. Vyppaaa11 says:

    Even if it is addictive, so is alcohol. Also, it is is plant, how do you
    outlaw a phucking plant? And no, I have never smoked it nor do I ever plan

  49. tylerfrump15 says:

    It’s easier for a kid to get pot from a dealer than it would be if it was
    regulated in stores.

  50. Heyit'sMasha says:

