ISIS Beheadings, Marijuana, New Porn Search Engine | The Rubin Report

Outdoor marijuana grow 5 weeks into flowering
September 30, 2014
Prairie Medicinal Harvest Cup 1st Dab
September 30, 2014

ISIS Beheadings, Marijuana, New Porn Search Engine | The Rubin ReportDave Rubin, Dylan Brody and Rick Overton discuss the latest news surrounding ISIS, big news for marijuana growers, a new porn search engine just for porn and much more. Topics include: Part…


  1. silent66556 says:

    ohhhhh ok

  2. xxhellspawnedxx says:

    Rick Overton, you have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to
    GMO’s. What you’re saying is both wrong and counterproductive on several

    First, lets establish what GMO’s are: It stands for genetically modified
    organisms. Genetic modification is a tool to modify plants to make them
    better suited for our needs and the kind of environment they’re intended to
    grow in. That’s it.

    Most of our modern food plants are GMO’s, if you think about it. Carrots,
    bananas, potatoes, grains and so on and so on all came into existence
    through manipulated crossbreeding of inedible or barely edible wild
    varieties of plants. Genetic modification is merely a refinement of that
    process, making it both faster and more exact.

    What you are referring to, that which is the big bad, is Monsantos GMO’s,
    which are mainly modified to be able to withstand stronger pesticides and
    weedkillers, turning them both more toxic to the consumers and creating a
    virulent kind of spread of these nigh unkillable plants killing all other
    types of growth. This deserves to be criticized, don’t get me wrong, but
    not like you’re doing it.

    What I’m saying is: Modify plants with safety, health and ecological
    farming in mind and you’ll get a plant that is resistant to bug
    infestation, needs less water, produces higher yields, requires less
    eco-unfriendly fertilizer and/or needs no toxic pesticides. It’s all
    possible, if you do it right and aim for sustainability.

    And that means science departments in our universities needs money to
    continue to develop this type of science, independently from corporations.
    But what you, like so many others, are doing – Sowing the proverbial seed
    of mistrust and fear of GMO’s as a concept – will only play into the hands
    of Monsanto. They already have the established infrastructure and a
    finished line of products, pretty much. When you turn people against GMO’s,
    you’re making it harder for potential competitors to Monsanto to ever get

    And make no mistake: We’re already long past the point where the population
    on this planet can be sustained on basic ecological farming alone. We need
    to up the yields past the basic yield of unmodified plants, or find
    ourselves going into world-wide famine. We need GMO’s. And with no proper
    competition, people will be forced to buy Monsanto products, no matter what.

    Don’t be a Monsanto enabler. Please?

  3. rextrek says:

    Im fed up that there is Always money for War..but NEVER enough to HELP
    Americans HERE at Home..? Im Disgusted!
