How to make cannabis tincture pt 2

How to make cannabis tincture pt 2 How to make cannabis tincture pt 2.

1 Comment

  1. ScientologySucksAss says:

    you should try growing Cannabis in tree’s its allot safer and lots of sun.
    just take a ball of twine and make a basket out of the branches on the tree
    and then put a large container with good soil in it. Use soil amendments
    like Coco brick’s, $2 for a coco brick where im from , just add water and
    the brick expands 8 times so its great for far away grow op’s. Pot is safer
    than peanuts, grow more pot! Legalize it all ready! Cannabis is medicine! I
    hope your good at climbing tree’s. its easy too grow in tree’s where no
    animals or bugs or “pigs” can find your plants. thx 4 ur time everyone.

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