How To Juice Marijuana With CHEFB.

Pacific Northwest Secret Cup – Dabbing at Herbal Healing
October 4, 2013
Medical Marijuana – Binjet Commercial
October 4, 2013

How To Juice Marijuana With CHEFB.Juicing marijuana is very effective for restoring balance. Marijuana is the most nutritional herb / vegetable in the world. A complete protein. Ingesting fre…


  1. qwerty42 says:

    What is a good juicer to buy that won’t get clogged up with the sticky goo so easy? lol

  2. qwerty42 says:

    Check out LifeWay Kefir (they sell it at most stores, walmart has it in the yogurt section in bottles). Awesome ‘dairy replacement’, and a supposed superfood. Talks about kief and “good feelings” on the bottle too 🙂 . Thanks for sharing ChefB
