Does Phillipe ever Talk? lol

Big Bong Rips With Highallday420r
September 22, 2013
How I water and a purple train wreck
September 22, 2013

Does Phillipe ever Talk? lolMe and French Phillipe have a session but he still is quiet as hell haha idk what to do guys, new sessions coming soon! **This Video is for Cannabis Educatio…


  1. SuperMediMan says:

    EVERYONE COMMENT AND ASK 2 QUESTIONS FOR PHILLIPE,.THEN HE HAS TO TALK….1. when did you start smoking and what was your first time like.

  2. 420 Productions says:

    lol it was i saw so much fuck up stuff it put me off for a few weeks i think 

  3. 420 Productions says:

    Looks like a may not be smoking for a while now i smoked LSD weed and smoke about 3g and thought i was going to die and other stuff but i have about 3 weeks of recording to upload 🙂

  4. kushhhgod says:

    At 5:18 spit came out your mouth lmfao

  5. Jay Stoner says:

    Phillipe, talk about times you’ve smoked and stupid/funny shit you’ve done! Haha.

  6. yourmom23791 says:

    Hahaha, “I’m busy”.

  7. LemThurdy420 says:

    damn sounds intense! lol

  8. LemThurdy420 says:

    I know lmao i cleaned it up

  9. shanice malone says:

    To Phillipe, do you have a favorite type of bud or do do u like all of them?
