Candy Kush Auto Day 10. How I Grew My Critical Jack Auto Intro

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Candy Kush Auto Day 10. How I Grew My Critical Jack Auto IntroPatients Who Would Like to Grow This Medicine!! This Is For You ! Detailed Discourse Awaits. All Input, Questions, Comments Are Welcome! I prefer synergistic…


  1. IBTraininglv says:

    auto is looking good, in no time at all she will be into flower! I enjoy having auto’s in my garden.

  2. B A JONES says:

    shit for sim reason yo vid keeps getn stuck at 3:52 I tried to forward but it kept going back go figure

  3. Mystjah says:

    Great vid

  4. Goodleaf1 says:

    very nice Atlanta’s Watching

  5. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    keep it up and keep it safe!!!
