And another one

Лечебная трава из Узистана! Чумовое видео!
December 20, 2013
Political Madness Trailer
December 20, 2013

And another oneNo copyright intended. I don’t want any money from the music I play. We shmowke a blunt like always. Happy birthday to my bro jake!!!


  1. Curtis HQ says:


  2. Priest Andretti says:

    lmao I was on the phone an left yall playin got off the phone looked at the
    screen an thought it was my niggas talkin shit was crazy lol

  3. 09bigc says:

    Finally I have found someone else who does The Marco Polo rotation 

  4. Jose Big Nasty Ramirez says:


  5. novak421 says:

    BC GOTKILLZ is a fuckin loser fagget with his pic. and stay lifted josh
    cool video.
