【予告】大麻は奇跡を呼ぶ!? 医療大麻 最前線 – Medicinal Marijuana in Japan (Trailer)

大麻で難病を治す「医療大麻」最前線 – Medicinal Marijuana in Japan
May 22, 2014
May 22, 2014

【予告】大麻は奇跡を呼ぶ!? 医療大麻 最前線 - Medicinal Marijuana in Japan (Trailer)ごれまで大麻の主成分とざて認知されていたのは精神面に影響を与えるとされる「THC」(テトラヒドロカンナピノール)だが、迒年注目を集め始めたのが別の成分「CBD」(カンナピジオール)だ。「CBD」は「THC」と異なり、精神を活性åŒ-させる効果(いわゆる〝ハイ〟)が一切なく、医療分野での活躍が期待されている。 斥本の厳…


  1. po ka says:

    いい話題です 楽しみにしています 

  2. Based Ty says:


  3. cheifKuroneko says:


  4. habadashery2009 says:

    People who are against marijuana legalization are either psychotic or work
    for pharmaceutical companies. Considering how harmful tobacco and alcohol
    are yet those two drugs are legal it makes no sense to put a ban on
    marijuana. It is especially stupid to put a ban on marijuana because it’s a
    fucking plant. How the fuck do you ban a plant?

  5. Erick carlos says:
  6. Ted Suzuki says:

    私も医療大麻を友人助けたのですが 売ってくれた人がしゃべって捕まりました、有名な
    マルイ先生に助けて頂きましたが 今でも ガンだった彼が あれだけ食べなかったのに
    好物のうな丼を2杯食べて 笑ってくれました 今でも自分がしたことに誇りをもってます。
    あの刑事さんのなんで 社長のあなたが、たばこを吸わない人が、、、なんで麻薬を、、、
    と首をかしげていました ちなみに その刑事さんも 抗鬱剤を一日4錠も飲んでいらっしゃいました。とても心配でした。
    個人的にも 私は 麻が大好きです。 もう争ったり、自己顕示せず、のんびり プカー
    っていう日本になってほしい 大好きな日本だし 日本人であることを誇ってます

  7. heep13 says:

    I am so happy to see that Vice is not scared to show the faces of society
    that are so poorly understood and stigmatized. I yearn to see the day that
    countries the world over recognize the medicinal and recreational values of
    this wonderful plant.

  8. Animurh says:

    420 banzai it

  9. aso- san says:

    ohhh shiittt

  10. VICE Japan says:
  11. CJ Rain says:

    This is what kurosaki ichigo uses. The number 1 purrrtector.

  12. J Checo says:

    Medical Marijuana is now legal in 21 states in the US. I do agree that it
    should made legal for those who need it for Medical attention. 

  13. Erik Iacopelli says:

    i dunno cuz wit me the way i look at weed is if you use it n are
    responsible then by all means smoke it. It should be legal everywhere. Cuz
    shit they sell cigs n that shit kills u, I aint NEVER heard of weed itself
    ever killing anyones, But i have wit cigs hell i should know i smoke

  14. OscarMaris says:

    Yuka asks smart questions, unlike the hipsters who work at vice in the

  15. Levi Dunn says:

    Yes, you are pathetic

  16. CheckMyKDbro says:

    Vice with the appropriate 4/20 video.

  17. Jeremy Cabahug says:

    Reminds me of the time when Paul McCartney got arrest for pot possession in
    the 1980 in Tokio Japan.

  18. momiage says:


  19. superbunny says:

    I love Vice Japan and I love Yuka *_*! 

  20. mtothem1337 says:

    I can understand why people are opposed to Cannabis as a drug just to get
    high and baked, but for christ sake let sick people who need it for medical
    reasons use it, it’s a natural plant which has amazing healing properties
    and shouldnt get criminalist.

    I know everyone has diffrent views on the law, but aslong as i’m doing
    something that doesn’t effect or hurt anyone else i have no moral problems
    with breaking the law. be it using cannabis, downloading my favorite movies
    or what have you.

  21. po ka says:

    いい話題です 楽しみにしています 

  22. cheifKuroneko says:


  23. DietSeltzer says:

    Yon/Nijuu! onegai blaze it!

  24. zersockpuppet says:

    Yuka’s the best host you guys have! 

  25. churchbigbang says:

    Banzai! :)



  27. Prince G-MO says:

    Legalize it already. The longer it stays illegal the stupider we as a
    people look.
    Any that can pick up a book and read it knows the REAL reason why it was
    made illegal and why they want it to stay illegal. Tobacco companies are
    gonna be bankrupt once weed is legal that’s why

  28. CocaineStyler says:

    Japan will need it because of the future Fukushima nightmare…

  29. MrJoeObert says:

    stoners in japan?

  30. tokio23ku says:


  31. silversobe says:

    Cannabis oil (not hemp seed oil) has been found to be highly effective
    against internal cancers, tumors, and skin cancer. It causes the cancer
    cells to literally eat themselves, leaving healthy cells untouched. Watch
    “Run from the Cure : The Rick Simpson Story” and “Cured: A Cannabis Story
    by David Triplett”

  32. asayakejp says:

    ありがとう、VICE Japan。いつも思うのは、BGMもいいなってこと。

  33. CJ Rain says:

    This is the answer. NOT man made prescription drugs. Mother Earths

  34. Prince G-MO says:

    I don’t know any Jamaicans with cancer. Just saying. Never met a single pot
    head that has cancer.

  35. Sushi King says:

    Yes pleaseee

  36. revampted says:

    I don’t smoke weed nor do I do drugs. But if people want alternatives to
    “Pharmaceutical” drugs why can’t they? It’s an inalienable human right for
    them choose their path and live their lives. Just like people that want to
    terminate their preborn babies. It’s fucked up, but it they’re right,
    they’re gonna carry that weight not you. Even if you wanted to save
    everyone, you can’t save them all.

  37. Esa Bani says:

    legalize it !

  38. xxxkennyxxx100 says:


  39. Paul Henning says:
  40. Dodgyboy43 says:

    0:32 look out that shit is gonna fall on the carpet and you’ll be sorry

  41. sharked says:

    Japan had a rich history of cannabis and hemp use prior to WWII.
    Anti-cannabis laws were put in place by occupying US forces and still
    remain to this day. Japan needs to break away from the US influence and
    move forward as a politically sovereign nation. 

  42. クマモノ says:



  43. EresirThe1st says:

    I can’t believe that woman said that folk and chinese medicine were a
    serious option. Disgraceful.

  44. PUAKush says:

    Japanese bud is probably so dank. 

  45. TehPantheon says:

    Can I just say I’m so grateful to you Vice and Vice Japan for making this
    channel. It’s awesome, your host is awesome and I love all the series and
    thank you for including English subtitles.

    Seriously – if producers see this – I really thank you guys for making
    amazing content. がんばって!

  46. s3xyScorp says:

    Canabis is hemp and hemp seeds are widely available in Canada from most
    stores selling vitamins,health foods..

