Rocky Mountain High – Colorado’s Cannabis Boom, USA

update 12 and last look at the ladivas
October 28, 2013
DIY Halloween Bong II………..Building a Bong on a Budget Part #21
October 28, 2013

Rocky Mountain High - Colorado's Cannabis Boom, USAThe dark side to the silver bullet of Cannabis legalisation For downloads and more information visit: Last November…


  1. Cryptopsy666 says:

    Or Caffeine, which is actually physically addicting and can lead to OD. Any child can buy products containing Caffeine nearly anywhere.

    Cannabis doesn’t share either of those traits.

    Facts are fun!

  2. shovelpig says:

    the real problem is in the home not from a plant that grows naturally… the rehab dude is a dip shit.

  3. ofdrywit says:

    Rehab?! LMAO What a fucking joker…

  4. 81Kush says:

    the bald guy running the treatment facility is selling you bullshit… he loses everything if weed is guud, 90% of those in his program are there cause somone else wants them there not because they have a problem, and i garantee none of thema re smoking at school… getting high and going to school yes… smoking on school grounds i highly doubt that… or their kids just a fucking idiot.. then all else is expected.. keep them away from bacon sugar and forks for the rest of there lives!

  5. Hubert4515 says:


  6. Billie Ballantine says:

    Rehab? gimme a break.

  7. ontheedge33371 says:

    It is all about money and the whole doctor prescription bs that goes on is a joke ! It is just one more thing the government is taking away from the people and all so they can get there greedy fackin hands on the tax money ! Screw you guys and you legal government sponsored shite !

  8. IzzySpeaks says:

    The treatment guy needs to compare death totals. Aspirin v. Marijuana.

  9. Nick Kush says:

    About these get off weed clinics. They are awesome and I wish everyone well who wants to get off weed, if they feel that dependance on it. But to act like its killing our society, RED FLAGS. Our bankers and politicians are ruining society. That simple. Priorities are not where the need to be at a time where we need to seriously figure some government problems out. Keeping weed illegal, or even the debate going, its keeping us away from the real problem. Got Pot!!

  10. Bocbo says:

    Those kids are struggling with shitty parents that would ship them off to someone else than lets say… Actually parent. That’s likely why they smoke weed.

  11. Sausage Creature says:

    Do they automatically send kids to rehab that are caught in school?

  12. jessdragonify says:

    there is so much that has been hid from the truth.i smoked cannabis for 20 years,and the last 5 years ive been vaporizing,recently I had a chest scan and the doctor says I have healthy lungs,no sign of disease,spots,etc.enough with the lies already

  13. dimplex says:

    i recently purchased a Volcano Vaporizer! It is wonderful!

  14. ontheedge33371 says:

    What a joke getting all

  15. sinistercharlie says:

    Rehab lol what a joke

  16. Derrick Yazwa says:

    “Marijuana addiction” doesn’t exist. Addiction comes with physical dependency, not just a “craving” to continue smoking. People can become “mentally addicted” to just about anything, but that isn’t real addiction. Are you going to ban everything from video games to hamburgers, just because people without willpower use them too much?

  17. Cryptopsy666 says:


  18. WickedMo13 says:

    Screw the legalization of weed, hemp is now legal! People dont realize it cant get you high, and that we import all of our hemp products from Canada , they make millions from it. Now whoever jumps on the front lines of American hemp production , holy shit, you will make millions!!! and dont forget making millions while stoned is way better.

  19. ofdrywit says:

    Colorado is the greatest state in the Union. 🙂

  20. andy7666 says:

    Rehab? Addiction? Come on dude, please..

    As for the perceived glorification of weed, this is a phase – in Holland most of the kids think smoking pot is lame, its always been on tap for them so there’s no great novelty – in a few years this will be the case in Colorado.

  21. Gregory Nick says:

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  22. ceojr1963 says:

    The root issue is that teens are going to do things if their parents aren’t doing the parenting job well, but the fact is even if the parents do the job well, teens will stray off the prefect path from time to time. Best to have a legal system set up, that these strays aren’t forever criminals for the one time they step off the straight and narrow. We shouldn’t put them in jail over their mistakes if they aren’t serious. Cannabis use shouldn’t be illegal.

  23. Brendan Kelly says:

    To the guy at the rehab facility, nobody is dying because of marijuana.It’s the criminalization that brings all the ills

  24. Tannz0rz says:

    Holy fuck, those two chicks in the pink shirts and short shorts are major sloots. Chill out, boner.

  25. Nick Kush says:

    Check my friend Token Daily out. He works at River Rock and posts daily vids. And a lot of the time, he is in the garden. Just amazing. Awesome dude. Subscribe and get a good look in to the scene in Colorado and also River Rock.peace,

    ps, user/tokinGLX?feature=g-subs-u

  26. dimplex says:

    teenagers can get addicted to anything from video games to online porn. It is up to parents to teach their kids restraint and discipline. Teenagers also probably shouldn’t be smoking weed regularly, in the same way that they shouldn’t drink either – their brains are still developing.

  27. Cryptopsy666 says:

    You never will either, because a chick high as fuck off a dab is still in the right state of mind to have proper judgement and well, also not be blacked out. Plus stoners are much gentler and kinder than most drunks. We have this neat thing called a conscious which IME is amplified by my heavy use of Cannabis. Yep, weed makes lets help myself become a better person.

    I ditched alcohol a long time ago. I was sick of devolving as a person. Most seem too content with doing so.

    Great point man.

  28. Laurie Marinelli says:

    Aaron…..have you ever smoked pot?
    Teach the parents to accept their teenagers choice. If weed interferes with school studies then there is a personal problem driving that. Please focus on helping these kids heal.

  29. Deano Dotson says:

    If they have to go to rehab for marijuana they have deeper issues then that. Or they have parents that believe the 80’s political propaganda.

  30. iHAVEnoSENSEofHUMOR says:

    legalize worldwide

  31. china4151986 says:

    I love weed but I don’t feel that the world should smoke it. USA already is one of the least educated systems and I don’t think this will help the cause

  32. ontheedge33371 says:

    full on dimplex dude teens should smoke very little as they are growing up and leave there developing minds to develop without resin stains 😉

  33. Cryptopsy666 says:

    Yeah, cause alcohol is a “thinkers” drug?

    Simply put: it makes no sense to encourage the use of a deadly poison like alcohol and to ignore a harmless plant that is actually beneficial in way that NOTHING else is.

    Cannabis has a much larger purpose than just getting be high. It is a legit medicine, and also has a great ability to enlighten one’s self.

    I have never been enlighten while slurring my words and puking. Well, except maybe enlightened to the true reality of what alcohol is and does

  34. bradsvideos says:

    Um, Mr. Rehab Man, “kids are dying”. Stop spreading the propaganda. Marijuana has never killed anyone. EVER. That’s a FACT.

  35. Nick Kush says:

    Never heard of a chick smoking too much weed and getting gang raped by the local high school football team. And have half the town cover it up and treat the victim like shit to the point she kills herself. Good job parents. Keep supporting alcohol and cigarettes. YOU ARE PATHETIC
