Reporter For ‘The Stranger’ Says Seattle Police Threatening Him For Taking Photos & Video Of Them

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October 4, 2013
October 4, 2013

Reporter For 'The Stranger' Says Seattle Police Threatening Him For Taking Photos & Video Of ThemOctober 02, 2013 KING 5 News


  1. theduke502 says:

    Two people can’t handle the truth

  2. CyberDruidtheModGod says:

    News Flash: Cops don’t like being documented doing their “work”.

  3. ladeene06 says:

    Too much power! It makes man evil. Most of them anyway. The ones that don’t become corrupt tend to end up under the jurisdiction of someone who is. How do you stand against those with no moral accountability and win? It’s only in the movies that the “good” guy wins. Sucks

  4. 44prot says:

    Any situation is Always escalated by cops. Always!

  5. gr8gmblr . says:

    Oink oink oink, I learned how to speak cop lingo.

  6. maxxmann1972 says:

    Officer Piglet sure was a crybaby. “I’m gonna go to your job and bother you.” Tough guy. All cop uniforms should be pink.

  7. Bill Hicks says:

    jeremy lard their asses

  8. MrMartGonzo says:

    Cowards need a badge and a uniform to feel like a man, this guy was so much of a coward that even with his ‘authority’ he was still frightened and aggressive.

    people who want a badge and a uniform are the last people that should be allowed them.

  9. Halo Jones says:

    i teach my dogs to hate cops

  10. qwerty42 says:

    Not in error fool, you’re in error in reading…. he could have just stood in the street and did the same dumb shit…. legally, he can but they are cops and cops can arrest you for no good reason, except if you’re in the street away from their BS. He could have still reported and asked questions on the street, like I said fool

  11. Chickenbone Genome says:

    If the general public required a 4-year college education as a prerequisite to becoming a police officer, 96% of all typical problems would disappear along with all the people who would otherwise only be qualified to flip hamburgers or bounce bars.

  12. MegaWatcher90 says:

    From the dead tree full of them.

  13. JesusDillinger says:

    1. It’s a crime, a felony, for officers to threaten people exercising their rights.

    2. County property is not private. That the officer thinks it is shows how far into delusion he and his fellows are.

    Learn for free how to sue the shit out of errant public servants: westudylaw . o r g

  14. Tango K says:

    thieves wants to rob
    psychopaths wants to kill
    pigs like to punish/kill/rob

  15. Dani68ABminus says:

    The police have turned into a gang that roams the streets for potential victims. They are so hostile.

  16. kingg213 says:

    King County Property is private property? This fucking cop is a dumb ass!

  17. Paul Colourzone says:

    This is presicely why I opposed any kind of gun control. Cops are worse than the criminals and no amount of pleading will save your ass if they decide to end you.
    However they’ll think twice to pick on a person packing.

  18. chocomalk says:


  19. kingg213 says:

    Education can’t fix stupid and clueless!

  20. worldgoingtozero says:

    Dirty pigs

  21. Chuppa Quenio says:

    Police protect the rich from the poor 99%

  22. Redpilldown says:

    Until some of these cops are fired….nothing will change

  23. SuperAutomaton says:

    Police are dicks. SURPRISE!

  24. Stikibits says:

    Cops are public servants, they are meant to serve people, not rule over them, and be open to all public scrutiny and criticism just like every other public servant.
    The police serve, not rule, they are always open to public scrutiny, or we’ll have a Gestopo, Stasi rather than public servants.

  25. IlluminatedLineage says:

    99.99% of cops are nothing but complicit pieces of shit because how many times have you heard about a decent officer arresting or bringing charges up on their fellow officers?

  26. uberneanderthal says:

    “meant to” is irrelevant. what happens in reality when you create a group of policy enforcers is exactly what you see here.

  27. thisgovtsux says:

    search yt on police brutality…
    will open your eyes.

  28. ytgv3fc7 says:

    it’s illegal to be on the street – that is jaywalking – it’s legal to be on the sidewalk. You are in error.

  29. bongojim420 says:

    Michael Hastings…RIP

  30. shonjuan11 says:

    Awww c’mon guys. It’s just ONE bad apple. Snicker.

  31. gr8gmblr . says:

    Oink oink oink! I learned how to speak cop lingo.

  32. utubelesst says:

    The police are public servants! There is nothing that they do that should be private while on the job!

  33. John Kloc says:

    The oath they took is for the same constitution as I am aware of???

  34. Steadno says:

    Filthy pigs

  35. virtuvianTrace says:

    If the police we entrust to “protect & serve” are inept of their duties and have impunity from prosecution, who will enforce law and insure national security?

    This might lead to a rise in community policing or vigilantism!

  36. AngryBigApe says:

    To instil fear to the “law abiding” citizen.
    Gives them credibility in their own minds
    Cant prevent crime only react “after” called BUT KEEP PETS HIDDEN JUST IN CASE
    Can commit murder & get PAID leave until the public mumble dies down then reinstated
    Cant ever lose their job no matter the charge…life time career with full perks of abuse

  37. Icarus Wolf says:

    Is there a longer vid of this? All I saw was a picture of a big black cop and a claim that he threatened the “reporter”, then a mild mannered police officer talking to the same “reporter”. This guy is crying wolf. Btw, check out his yt page and articles, very Marxist.

  38. utubelesst says:

    Fear sales, but who is buying?
    The cops are always passing by when the cameras are on, so why not have the media watch them as well?

  39. 911SMOM . says:


  40. utubelesst says:

    Except bathroom breaks.)

  41. qwerty42 says:

    Shitty mega-hipster reporter trying to be a badass and talk shit to cops over the dumbest, most pointless shit. He could have just stood feet away on the public street and documented the arrest he was trying to nose in on. The cops were also dicks (especially the guy who told him he’d be arrested) because its obvious its not illegal and he just didnt want to bother doing more work or answering any questions as to why they were arresting the guy sitting on the curb. Everyone in the vid = asshole

  42. JahntaiKelly says:

    Well somebody has to keep an eye on the police, well the bad ones I mean.

  43. chocomalk says:

    Most of these situations are escalated by the police.

  44. kingg213 says:

    King County Property is not Private Property dumb ass!

  45. biorgymd says:

    I don’t understand what the problem is? Massive surveillance of an entire nation, secret courts, secret laws, secret judges, secret interpretation of laws, secret list, secret hearings, secret police, secret prisons, militarization of local police forces, the largest prison population on earth, internal spy drones, TSA deployed onto the streets, propaganda media, eugenics programs, endless wars, etc, etc, etc. And now Americans are troubled that journalist are being harassed by law enforcement?

  46. mogem says:

    Yes sir, OK sir, I will go sir—TAKE MY RIGHTS, PLEASE
