Raising Awareness About Recreational Marijuana Use

Five Reasons To Legalize Marijuana
April 18, 2013
Marijuana plants day 54(Flowering day 21)
April 18, 2013

Raising Awareness About Recreational Marijuana UseI’m doing an awareness campaign in my American Government college class. My issue is recreational marijuana. I hope that someday soon people will realize tha…


  1. LetsTalkRubbish says:

    That’s great, One of the many reasons i don’t listen to Christians ‘Jesusfreak6017’.. Really?

  2. Ululuro says:

    you must be new.

  3. Jared Falls says:

    harmless or not, i’ll lose my job if i smoke it… nuff said

  4. druidking9884 says:

    Very educational video. Been a rec smoker for a while. Thumbs up!

  5. TheHalyem says:

    this is pretty terrible

  6. Jack D says:


  7. 21jh18 says:

    Dopest dope I’ve ever smoked (:

  8. bro433 says:

    But then again what happens if a said country becomes like Mexico..? I mean with the crime in particular directly a result with drugs mostly? In my meaning that gang on gang violence, financed by make/create drugs and transport them.. But then again if a country were to follow the footsteps of some European countries (Netherlands <3 ) in their strictness I think It could work out well.. I'm all for Drugs replacing Guns tbh :p

  9. V3s05 says:

    to make it more intriguing to the viewers… If it was purely factual and plain then it would not receive much critical acclaim as it could be like every other drug awareness videos and.. to put it simply be fucking boring.

  10. Sk3elly says:

    Good luck with the grade, ent!

  11. TheSievs says:

    they wont make weed legal. Cause they already made it look bad and cant fund it properly. Keep Dreaming pot heads.

  12. Idil P says:

    Youtube. [9]

  13. batalarabe says:

    no thats stupid cannabis should be legal but not heroin and drugs like that ur trippin

  14. caesar619 says:

    Chad holds a bowl well with one hand for someone who has never used one before.

  15. ryukisatodes says:


  16. seanmannisto says:

    When a video is new, Youtube sets a limit for the number of views that shows up. After it has been verified, it then puts back on the correct view count

  17. Chris Holt says:

    I must say smoking weed, skunk, ganja or whatever you wanna call it. Is completely dependent on how your body reacts, i used to constantly whitey if i had more than a couple straight joints. Some people just cant get enough and don’t even look stoned after 5 joints, its all about the person. BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU TURN THE COLOUR OF THE RAINBOW……………..JUST FUCKIN STOP!!!!!!

  18. MrIffy180 says:

    have to take that comment back should of watched the whole video

  19. Jesusfreak6017 says:

    Marijuana and ANY kind of legalization of it; including medical, should remain ILLEGAL.

  20. djsymptomsdotcom says:

    Why do you not do heroin? Is it because the law says not to? Or is it because your common sense and years of warnings made you think that maybe it’s a bad idea? No junkie ever has said “I shouldn’t buy these drugs because it’s illegal.” So why spend $45k a year locking them in a cage turning them into animals? Making something illegal doesn’t stop it from happening, it just creates a profitable criminal underground and puts the control and regulation in the hands of those criminals.

  21. largeerectpenis says:

    This was truly inspirational , it touched the deep ends of my colon and i came like twice , no homo

  22. joshphamster says:


  23. 19htown says:

    Looking at all these misinformed/stubborn people’s attitudes towards marijuana not only fascinates but appalls me how much corrupt people in power could influence so many lives

  24. VanMichael Pickett says:

    yo search vanpwp in youtube his shit goes hard trippy

  25. Quinten Pastore says:

    stfu fgt do u evn lift

  26. TheSievs says:

    Weed is bad mmkaay.

  27. testwordz says:

    americans are so confused. just like how your rich get richer from usa constantly going to war with someone, they also get richer for putting as many people as possible in prison.

    it is the middle class and the poor affected negatively by these things (and of course the entire world is affected badly by your boner for killing innocent people on the other side of the world in wars you start) and american middle+lowerclass are easilybrainwashed retards who cant see whats good for them.

  28. blinger44 says:

    you fail at youtube

  29. SuperbusAtheos says:

    How is there 300 views but 1990 likes?

  30. thadgordon36 says:

    Nobody could possibly argue with with your logic. You made so many valid points. You must have been captain of your high school debate team. You do realize that “they” made alcohol look bad for quite a while, and guess what…. Cannabis is already legal in 2 states, with more to follow. It was the fact that states started legalizing alcohol regardless of the the feds that eventually led to the overturning of prohibition.

  31. Scientia Veritas says:

    You are using reddit to get likes from people who trust you made a nice little pro-weed propaganda movie. This is just shit…

  32. Stev W says:

    hey this stuff keeps my roomate and friend from going mad while dealing with depression, i say lets leagize it finally and get off this high horse that if it changes you it must be band and illegal. everyone one i know who uses it is a recreational user and is better for having it than not. Nothing good ever came from banning a non lethal plant.

  33. FloydIV says:

    I understand that, but why so much? Most of it doesn’t go with the point he was talking about. It’s just so random. Sure the students will laugh at Adam Sandler explaining where to hide your weed or James Franco going “OG Kush.. OG Kush…” Or Grandma’s Boy with a monkey… how does that go with the person their interviewing? The clip with George Bush is good, but other then that… this video is a bit silly.

  34. Josh Flynn says:

    The beginning was so funny on how dumb they were back then. [0]

  35. Pierce Michaud says:

    Haters, fuck yourselves. Quit acting so fucking high and mighty just because you don’t use marijuana. I don’t see any of you shunning tobacco smokers/chewers, alcohol drinkers, or fucking eating junk food. All that shit is worse for you than marijuana, just so you know. Get over yourselves.

  36. Zeldocto says:

    I lold

  37. MrIffy180 says:

    this is stupid

  38. iGangster says:

    Oh hey.

    Grab a seat.

    You must be new here.

  39. Pi Whole says:

    and that, ladies & germs, is why shwingshwamprods should not toke & make videos.

  40. juggalo4251989 says:

    This video is really long and really boring. I onoy like the beginning

  41. OriginalG4V says:

    1k likes 300 views


  42. kiarash32 says:

    What a dumb bitch.

  43. skildal87 says:

    I know a guy who got blind after smoking weed!!

  44. ZoomZip says:

    for arguements sake, couldnt you say that with cocaine and heroin?> lets make that legal & regulate it?

  45. UndSowasLebt says:

    This is a terrible educational video. No explanation of vs. argument at the front. Too many stupid clips. There is no vs. just facts.

  46. Tony McNamara says:

    Good luck with ur grades man.

  47. WolfiKurisu says:

    Anyone else smoked it and not turned into a hippy, drug-crazed killer?

  48. robedwards3693 says:

    wait so the guy whose face is blurred for anonymity started off by first telling us his name and workplace?

  49. CoachZed says:

    could have left the questions displayed a little bit longer

  50. TyphloLove says:

    Great video! Just one piece of constructive criticism, when making a tittle screen with a question, read it for yourself slowly and make that title the length it took to read it slowly. These titles were way too short, other then that good job.
