Police Chief Recovering After Eating Cake Laced With Marijuana! Horrific Side Effects!

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Police Chief Recovering After Eating Cake Laced With Marijuana! Horrific Side Effects!Friday April 12, 2013 5:46 PM – LAURELVILLE, Ohio – The Hocking County Sheriff’s office is trying to get to the bottom of who is responsible for drugging Lau…


  1. MrROTD says:

    LOL!!!! he had a weed panic attack LMAO

  2. dexter50th says:

    Fat ass pig eating da whole cake ….thts wat u get pig

  3. akern233 says:

    Maybe he shouldn’t have eaten an entire cake if he didn’t want to feel sick…
    The cannabis oil should not be at issue here.

  4. CjohnsonBallard says:

    LOL THAT is the worst thing thats happened to him? wow sounds like a good saturday night to me

  5. rlholo says:

    How messed up in life do you have to be to get up in the morning and go out to the kitchen and eat a whole cake. I mean, seriously. Pot or no pot – that’s just… it’s just… aw… nevermind.

    Sheriff, maybe – just maybe, you shouldn’t get up in the morning and say: “Hey, my daughter seems to have baked a cake. I think I’ll ask her if it’s for a special occasion and if I can have a piece. Nah, screw it – I’ll just eat the whole thing – in one sitting – for breakfast.

  6. DrWillyMoPhilly85496 says:

    what a pussy i cant believe people can make this bullshit man

  7. timwitt94 says:

    wow, i definitely dont feel like im dying when i use cannabis. I FEEL MORE ALIVE!!!

  8. Nicholas De Rossi says:

    fat pig ate the whole cake? lol dumb piglet

  9. gator051 says:

    He got high and freaked out…….. lmao

  10. jcreamx23 says:

    too bad it wasnt laced with acid like kenny vs spenny

  11. Mandyxol says:

    if you had only eaten one slice instead of the whole damn thing , you would just be high right now . but no , fatass over here is almost dying because he ate the whole damn cake .

  12. jonathon ryan says:

    hahaha fucking lucky bastard why is it these people always have such a over exaggerated thing then there like omg im dying call fucking 911 and freak . granted eating weed goodies makes you really fucking high like way higher then smokeing and depending on how much he ate he must of been so so fucking high he is so lucky and a dumbass that he couldnt enjoy the experience

  13. MrBoogy00000 says:

    yeah, most of why he was feeling bad might have been the spike in his blood sugar. He can’t blame the munchies though cause he said he ate the whole thing right away, not ate some, got hungry, ate a little more got a little more hungry, ate more got really hungry, ate the cake emptied the fridge and ate the dog and cat food too.

  14. Ben Williams says:


  15. gmx1100 says:

    “It was probably the scariest thing that’s ever happened to me in my entire life.” I guess not much happens in Laurelville.

  16. mike bunghole says:

    he don’t burn

  17. dexter50th says:

    This shyt got me rollin……..I hate da police with all my heart

  18. ProfessorPokedex says:

    He probably felt amazing. He’s totally bullshitting the entire conversation.

  19. TeamXcL says:

    i thought i was dying ahahahhaha

  20. gt40f says:

    The doctor prescribed sedative was probably worse for him than the pot.

  21. YosefSkato says:

    Sadly some people believe Weed is really bad and that it fries your brain cells… like my parents.. -_-

  22. jasonvads says:

    Who wakes up and eats a whole fuckin cake you give the title pig plenty of justice

  23. Garrett Thienes says:

    hahahahaha I love that he ate the whole cake even though he didn’t know whose it was. Felt like I was dying… Where’s the doctor’s who are probably laughing their asses off

  24. Evan Ellis says:

    His stomach probably hurt from eating an ENTIRE FUCKING CAKE.

  25. Mandyxol says:

    you ate a mysterious cake . that was just sitting on your counter . THE WHOLE DAMN THING . are you f**ing serious right now .? smh man .

  26. bnk9112 says:

    I think its hilarious he got up and drove while intoxicated. He should be arrested for that.

  27. MrROTD says:

    but seriously I have freaked out from too much pot got the panics but at least I knew why, this guy had no Idea so it must have been pretty scary actually XD

  28. timlpacheco says:

    my question is, why was there pot laced cake in this guys house. If you want us to believe that his daughter had no clue her friend laced the cake, I call shanangins… His daughter should be brought up on charges and he should get a DUI.

  29. glitter spun says:

    what a dork .pansy ass

  30. YosefSkato says:

    Yeah smoking too much weed doesn’t feel that good… you can’t even close your eyes because you feel like everything spins and you go on a trip xD

  31. mastertheillusion says:

    donut eatin madmen =P who a touch of pot-phobia

  32. StaticxRadek says:

    so did he get a dui for driving to the station?

  33. PittsburghBBer says:

    HAHAHA He felt “sick like never before” dude must have been a total straight edge his whole life.

  34. Eric McClain says:

    What’s he recovering from? Eating too much ? Judging from his facial expression, he enjoyed it. Probably had a Seinfeld marathon. lol

  35. darthtokah says:

    Haha maybe he felt sick off all that fucking sugar hes in-taking. Clogging his arteries. Recovering in the hospital? Lol off weed? They are talking like its dangerous. Fucking pussy pig

  36. wafflecrackerjr says:

    dude had to sleep off a panic attack lmao…there is nothing in this video where you hear he might die..lol dude was trippin out

  37. MrBoogy00000 says:

    I agree, they should practice what they preach. They always say when your in trouble call 911 don’t try to drive yourself to the hospital if you are having problems you could hurt someone else along the way. I guess since they are the law they are above it too. I bet he is at home today smoking on his daughters fat sack of dank while she is in class.

  38. SpacedFiction says:

    Burger hospital in Circleville. lol

  39. Miriam Espinosa says:

    Lmao he recovered in the hospital from weed … hahaha. What the fuck is going on, i would be the happiest . 🙂

  40. masterman3178 says:

    why can i never find things like this just laying around.

  41. gmx1100 says:

    Possible charges include ASSAULT? For getting someone high??

  42. MrBoogy00000 says:

    Asshole ate the whole cake and did not save any for anyone else, serves him right for being such a glutton. Did da big bad po pp man have a widdle panic attack, waaahhhh my hoo hoo hurts. Change your manpon and get on with it.

  43. gt40f says:


  44. dexter50th says:

    Lmfaoooooo he felt like dyin wat a big ass pussy scarist thing in my life lmfaooooo

  45. crazyshoe29 says:

    omg is this 4real the worst feeling in the world? this is the stupidest sht ever.

  46. dragonfly111cute says:

     is a sin!!


  47. Ozma337 says:

    Cop should be charged with a DWI!!!

    And scary?? really? He should have been relieved to find out it was just marijauna, absolutely no risk of any harm being done, just feeling woozey for a few hours.

    Maybe now he won’t consume an entire cake in one sitting! lol

  48. dragonfly111cute says:

    Why would he eat an entire cake in the morning??
