Why Are We Thinking The Side Effects Of Marijuana Are Any Worse! Than From Big Pharma Poison!

Five Reasons To Legalize Marijuana
April 18, 2013
Marijuana plants day 54(Flowering day 21)
April 18, 2013

Why Are We Thinking The Side Effects Of Marijuana Are Any Worse! Than From Big Pharma Poison!“Why Are We Thinking The Side Effects Of Marijuana Are Any Worse … â-» 5:06â-» 5:06 21 horas atrás – Vídeo enviado por MOXN…


  1. alexssx92 says:

    Do you realize that the cannabinoid receptor in neurons was first developed in the sea squirt. 500 million years ago, deep within our evolutionary chain as a regulatory action to protect neurons from damage… Also cannabis is the only plant in the world with a constituent that reacts as a neurons transmitter in the brain. The only plant.

  2. alexssx92 says:

    Don’t be such a ignorant and stupid women. Use your eyes and mind for once. There is no credible sources or tests? What makes you credible to say so? Are you trying to tell me that the UN national research lab and the Israel medical institute is making things up? Are their tests not valid? Your on the news. Your opinion means nothing and should not be where real data and results belong. If your so intelligent then please explain what anandamine does to the body. Less focus?? If your going to

  3. alexssx92 says:

    The dea never loses their credibility.

  4. Electricspaceodyssey says:

    N.I.D.A (national institute of drug abuse) has a monopoly on all marijuana research/growing federally in the u.s and sends crappy quality to to any experiments that do get approved to be set up (generally only the ones who start out saying they are looking for the “bad” in cannabis). The studies are there – they just deny anything that happens with non-nida (“officially”) grown weed unless they can somehow say its bad. Cannabis was outlawed due to RACISM in the 20s/30s- look up harry j anslinger

  5. alexssx92 says:

    Make things up, then be prepared to lose all credibility. You have to be retarded to think that thc and cbd lowers attention. It heightens attention by inhibiting the cb1 and cb2 receptors from calming a nerve reaction down. It acts as a stimulant in its own category because the neurons are now allowing the activation of the action potential between nerve endings. Don’t be a stupid bitch. Do your own research and don’t read what the dea tells you. Scientists lose credibility for false science.
