Rob Ford!

Let’s Play – Unepic #57 [PC|Mac]
September 14, 2013
G420G Grow Room setup + First Watering
September 14, 2013

Rob Ford!Subscribe for more win today: Join me today as I discuss the wonderful mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford! Twitter â-»…


  1. CanaderpsVlogs says:

    This I can definitely agree with. It’s like he’s become the jester or Toronto!

  2. Brent Blogs says:

    It has become a Rob Ford media witch hunt. I don’t know enough about municipal politics to say whether or not he’s a good mayor, but he’s entertaining – and in my books, that’s what counts.

  3. CanaderpsVlogs says:

    Thanks. :)

  4. cotttoronto says:

    Fords a great mayor and will win again next year. Now if I was unemployed or on social service I wouldnt like him either. Polling at near 50% even with the 2 worst papers in Canada slagging him every day. He’s been accused of many thungs yet not found guilty of 1 thing. Nice video by the way kid

  5. CanaderpsVlogs says:

    I would love that actually. A literal clown. I think the meetings would go a lot better!

  6. Richard White says:

    A clown for a mayor. Nothing wrong with that right?
