Real Time With Bill Maher Episode 273 March 1 2013 New Rules ,Real Time With Bill Maher Episode 273 New Rules Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the C…
And you are surprised? The US has legalized corruption. The moment 5 Supreme Court judges said corporations were people and they weren’t lynched the US died. Franklin, Washington, Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosvelt must be rolling in their graves.
Cool! if you like that stuff, that guy is in John Lui’s short doc, Green Gold and it is very interesting, animal free too, but I am open to trying anything at this point!
YBLZmwlPa8A (is that enough of a link?)
yep i agree, this is really fantastic. Listen to this, i get sent a list of high paying surveys every few days and easy make around $60 off each list. you can get it from here:\YTPitJ
There’s the ultra moronic fool who attacks people for stating their opinion I was sure would appear in this thread. Hey, how you doin? Everything I stated is documented fact that you could verify very simply with a google search. If you have something against the truth, that’s your problem. I wish you health in your coming days of cancer.
Poor Chris Christie LOL, guy can’t catch a break 😛
I love how Bill is able to present serious arguments while also being funny as hell. Love him! Until this whole horse meat scandal broke, I didn’t know you could eat at IKEA either! lol. I have to agree with him though, I don’t see what the big deal is. We eat cows, pigs, birds and fish of all kinds. What makes horses so different? As Bill said, if it’s just because they let us ride them, that’s a stupid argument.
Ironically – I don’t drink cows milk -that too is unnatural for humans to drink. There isn’t any other mammal that drinks another mammal’s milk other than human beings.
As for myself, I am organic, whole grain and vegetarian – as is my child.
High fructose corn syrup prevents the chemical in your brain that tells your body it is full from being released – so it does a lot more than contribute to diabetes.
I’d rather the FDA not allow chemicals, synthetics&other toxins into our food.
No milk – right. It’s not natural unless you’re a small cow.
HFCS is another big problem, brought to you by the US corn producers lobby.
You may not agree, but I think being organic is irrelevant now. There are so many growth hormones in the water supply and pesticides in the soil that it’s hard to avoid.
In addition, many of the ‘organic’ products don’t technically qualify as organic.
I cut out beef, pork, sodium and fat. It does help.
It’s not allowing the link to the information you are looking for to be posted here, but you can google, Institute in Science of Society to find it titled, “GM DNA in Human Gut Underestimated.”
How about you trying tell that “no one wants it” crap to the millions of Africans starving every day. Natural and organic methods can only feed up to 4 billion people and thats with efficient use of land. Are you going to be the one to choose who dies? Regulations on GM is fine by me but calling it outright useless and dangerous is displaying a fundamental ignorance about genetic techniques and their applications, as well as about the limits of your beloved organic foods.
Dude… Seriously? Arguing that dropping this garbage on a starving people somehow justifies it’s use is about as callous and irresponsible as it gets. What’s more, there are millions of people starving all over the world… Why just mention Africa? There are people starving in the states too. Why not focus on dumping this garbage there if you feel so strongly about it?
Right and consumption of Bt corn for example, which produces it’s own Bt pesticide in every kernel, can lodge transgenic bacteria in your intestines causing horizontal gene transfer and your body can actually start MAKING pesticides in your gut. Maybe you want to eat that but, definitely not most of us.
Wendax, farmers do decide what to grow under our current farming system. However, just like the Farm Teams of the MLB, the farmers are owned by banks and corporations. It’s called corporate farming. Less than 15% of farms are family farms, and many of those are so in debt to the banks, that they basically work for the banks and corporations.
The thing is, our crops and livestock are ALREADY heavily modified. They cannot survive in the wild and species such as corn, bananas and turkeys are so heavily bred for food production that they require artificial insemination to reproduce. Where exactly does one draw the line at “too unnatural”?
I check labels for the ingredients and nutritional value of foods, the chemicals in cleaning products, health and beauty products. GMO’s want them or not…should be labeled!
I check labels for the ingredients and nutritional value of foods, the chemicals in cleaning products, health and beauty products. GMO’s want them or not…should be labeled!
Yes, I watched it. But we humans have messed up the environment so badly that natural reforestation alone won’t do it.
There are other methods: Here is Greening the desert, without using animals:
A bit more labor-intensive, but they were also dealing with salt contamination.
What makes any project like this work is the choice of plants. The natural environment has been gone for so long that nobody knows what it’s supposed to be – so let’s start fresh.
Curious as to how a scientist would not know this: vertical inheritance versus horizontal inheritance. Genetic Engineering, NOT modification (which has been on this planet as long as anything green has) is nowhere near the same, otherwise there would not be a reason to use the wording “substantially equivalent” and “generally recognized”, to name a few. Just because something doesn’t kill us right away does not make it safe…
Yes because a google search is the most reliable way of verifying facts, because they don’t let just anyone run a website right? Start giving me some papers from credible journals and I’ll believe you. Otherwise I’m going to stick with my knowledge of genetics and the research papers I’ve read, none of which have shown any issues that couldn’t be mitigated by proper regulation.
As a rule I enjoy Bill Maher very much, but I’m afraid I can’t agree with him here. None of the mislabeling problems he listed here have anything at all to do with genetic modification. The problem with genetically modified foods doesn’t even have anything to do with the fact that they are genetically modified; it is to do with the preservatives and insecticides used on the finished product, and non-GMO foods have most -if not all- of the same problems in that respect.
He was invited to discuss the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and other U.S states. I can’t think of anyone more suitable to discuss the subject of weed, can you?
Thank you – and that is enough of a link.
Friggin’ YouTube is so anal about links, but does nothing about persistent trolls.
Now, I’m off to watch that video.
If Monsanto’s so proud of its GMOs and the companies are so proud to have them in their products, why did they have to spend over $40 billion to block Prop 37 and the labeling of GMOs…Because they know they’re poison and intelligent people don’t want to eat poison and will not buy poison. It should be our choice…not the governments, which is also btw, run by Monsanto. Go to: gmoseralini -DOT- org / ten-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-seralini-study/
Maher takes issues out of context for the sake of entertainment. Prop 30 failed because it left vendors immediately liable, with no remediation period, and responsible for the burden of proof, hence vulnerable to those endless nuisance lawsuits which conveniently settle at less than the cost of legal defense. It also did not conform to GMO regulations in other countries, and required a nearly impossible-to-achieve level of purity, given the present level of crop contamination by GMOs.
You don’t think half of Europe and Asia banned GMO’s for no reason right? I’m not going to waste my time TRYING TO SAVE YOUR IGNORANT LIFE. Do your own damn research, Russia has done tons of tests proving that GM corn causes cancer.
Nobody wants to eat GMO. We will ban it from Europe entirely one day. I also wonder who on YouTube may be promoting GMO and for what reason? The only reason I can think of is being on Monsanto payroll. My advice to you Monsanto – get yourself a good sip of biodegradable Roudnup.
It’s a step in the right direction – and ideas begin with dreams.
I suppose the soil type and climate will decide what can grow. The more we try to force our will on nature, the more screwed up it gets.
Thinking of a quote from Star Trek TNG:
“Every time humans have interfered with an existing system – no matter how well-intentioned that interference might be – the results are invariably disastrous.”
This all started with farm subsidies. Say we need 1 million tons of corn per year. Well if it is really good year for corn, and seed is cheap, farmers grow 3 million tons. The government then buys up the extra corn, driving prices down. Now the farmer cannot sell enough to keep his equipment up to date, get it fixed, or replace it and feed his family. and pay his mortgage. So he became indebted to the banks, which finally sold all the farms to corporations like ConAgra (Tyson Foods).
This is a knee-jerk “science in our food!” reaction. Finally, it is not good enough to complain that foods are “chemically treated”. All foods are chemically treated (or, as it is more colloquially termed, “cleaned”) many times prior to consumption, besides which, the word “chemical” is being abused here as it always is; food is made up of chemicals. Chemical-free food is empty space. There are just too many problems with this line of reasoning.
Not true if it is GMO it could very likely produce it’s own pesticides, it would be a good idea to label GMO’s so that people might look into how their foods are being modified genetically, it would also provide incentive for companies to not participate in mal-nutritious genetic modifications.
And you are surprised? The US has legalized corruption. The moment 5 Supreme Court judges said corporations were people and they weren’t lynched the US died. Franklin, Washington, Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosvelt must be rolling in their graves.
Cool! if you like that stuff, that guy is in John Lui’s short doc, Green Gold and it is very interesting, animal free too, but I am open to trying anything at this point!
YBLZmwlPa8A (is that enough of a link?)
All hail to the actual existence of educated US-Americans!
And Thomas Jefferson must be rolling in his slave! lol
(Bill Maher quote)
yep i agree, this is really fantastic. Listen to this, i get sent a list of high paying surveys every few days and easy make around $60 off each list. you can get it from here:\YTPitJ
Algae and caterpillars are actually really good for your health. 😀
There’s the ultra moronic fool who attacks people for stating their opinion I was sure would appear in this thread. Hey, how you doin? Everything I stated is documented fact that you could verify very simply with a google search. If you have something against the truth, that’s your problem. I wish you health in your coming days of cancer.
Soylent Green is people!
There’s the ultra-dense, concentrated stupidity I was sure would appear in this thread.
Can someone tell me why you would invite semi-conscious weed influenced Snoop Dogg onto a TALK show? Otherwise, funny segment.
I thought prop 37 passed shit I been living under a rock
Poor Chris Christie LOL, guy can’t catch a break 😛
I love how Bill is able to present serious arguments while also being funny as hell. Love him! Until this whole horse meat scandal broke, I didn’t know you could eat at IKEA either! lol. I have to agree with him though, I don’t see what the big deal is. We eat cows, pigs, birds and fish of all kinds. What makes horses so different? As Bill said, if it’s just because they let us ride them, that’s a stupid argument.
Ironically – I don’t drink cows milk -that too is unnatural for humans to drink. There isn’t any other mammal that drinks another mammal’s milk other than human beings.
As for myself, I am organic, whole grain and vegetarian – as is my child.
High fructose corn syrup prevents the chemical in your brain that tells your body it is full from being released – so it does a lot more than contribute to diabetes.
I’d rather the FDA not allow chemicals, synthetics&other toxins into our food.
extra shit
No milk – right. It’s not natural unless you’re a small cow.
HFCS is another big problem, brought to you by the US corn producers lobby.
You may not agree, but I think being organic is irrelevant now. There are so many growth hormones in the water supply and pesticides in the soil that it’s hard to avoid.
In addition, many of the ‘organic’ products don’t technically qualify as organic.
I cut out beef, pork, sodium and fat. It does help.
It’s not allowing the link to the information you are looking for to be posted here, but you can google, Institute in Science of Society to find it titled, “GM DNA in Human Gut Underestimated.”
How about you trying tell that “no one wants it” crap to the millions of Africans starving every day. Natural and organic methods can only feed up to 4 billion people and thats with efficient use of land. Are you going to be the one to choose who dies? Regulations on GM is fine by me but calling it outright useless and dangerous is displaying a fundamental ignorance about genetic techniques and their applications, as well as about the limits of your beloved organic foods.
Dude… Seriously? Arguing that dropping this garbage on a starving people somehow justifies it’s use is about as callous and irresponsible as it gets. What’s more, there are millions of people starving all over the world… Why just mention Africa? There are people starving in the states too. Why not focus on dumping this garbage there if you feel so strongly about it?
What you are saying makes no sense. Not only is there no Bt producing bacteria in Bt corn, its also processed to kill off any living corn cells.
Now the bacteria that produces the Bt toxin is fairly common, and is found in a lot of soil.
But just for fun, can you give me an example of horizontal gene transfer from corn (processed or unprocessed) to gut bacteria?
Now, let me ask you this: did you actually read the article? I found it no problem and read it over, and I am surprised by what it actually said.
Right and consumption of Bt corn for example, which produces it’s own Bt pesticide in every kernel, can lodge transgenic bacteria in your intestines causing horizontal gene transfer and your body can actually start MAKING pesticides in your gut. Maybe you want to eat that but, definitely not most of us.
But I agree, people need to start caring about 70% of the planet’s surface more.
Wendax, farmers do decide what to grow under our current farming system. However, just like the Farm Teams of the MLB, the farmers are owned by banks and corporations. It’s called corporate farming. Less than 15% of farms are family farms, and many of those are so in debt to the banks, that they basically work for the banks and corporations.
One is responsible for there own actions in life,and religion is
just a mindclasp that foresakes our planet.Truth of Jesus.
Google each:wiki/Tropaion wiki/Chi Rho wiki/Caesar’s Comet
wiki/Victoria (mythology) (wiki is base reference only)
Click,copy,paste this inbetween * in your Y/T search bar.
wax imago
+1 Still, this was good.
The thing is, our crops and livestock are ALREADY heavily modified. They cannot survive in the wild and species such as corn, bananas and turkeys are so heavily bred for food production that they require artificial insemination to reproduce. Where exactly does one draw the line at “too unnatural”?
I check labels for the ingredients and nutritional value of foods, the chemicals in cleaning products, health and beauty products. GMO’s want them or not…should be labeled!
The moment the SCOTUS upheld Obongocare, jurisprudence died.
As long as 1776 is in our hearts and minds all the laws they pass are null and void.
I check labels for the ingredients and nutritional value of foods, the chemicals in cleaning products, health and beauty products. GMO’s want them or not…should be labeled!
Yes, I watched it. But we humans have messed up the environment so badly that natural reforestation alone won’t do it.
There are other methods: Here is Greening the desert, without using animals:
A bit more labor-intensive, but they were also dealing with salt contamination.
What makes any project like this work is the choice of plants. The natural environment has been gone for so long that nobody knows what it’s supposed to be – so let’s start fresh.
Curious as to how a scientist would not know this: vertical inheritance versus horizontal inheritance. Genetic Engineering, NOT modification (which has been on this planet as long as anything green has) is nowhere near the same, otherwise there would not be a reason to use the wording “substantially equivalent” and “generally recognized”, to name a few. Just because something doesn’t kill us right away does not make it safe…
Yes because a google search is the most reliable way of verifying facts, because they don’t let just anyone run a website right? Start giving me some papers from credible journals and I’ll believe you. Otherwise I’m going to stick with my knowledge of genetics and the research papers I’ve read, none of which have shown any issues that couldn’t be mitigated by proper regulation.
As a rule I enjoy Bill Maher very much, but I’m afraid I can’t agree with him here. None of the mislabeling problems he listed here have anything at all to do with genetic modification. The problem with genetically modified foods doesn’t even have anything to do with the fact that they are genetically modified; it is to do with the preservatives and insecticides used on the finished product, and non-GMO foods have most -if not all- of the same problems in that respect.
He was invited to discuss the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and other U.S states. I can’t think of anyone more suitable to discuss the subject of weed, can you?
Thank you – and that is enough of a link.
Friggin’ YouTube is so anal about links, but does nothing about persistent trolls.
Now, I’m off to watch that video.
Not even close to being funny. I wouldn’t trust this junky phaggutt about what to put in my body any more than I would trust Moochelle Obongo.
If Monsanto’s so proud of its GMOs and the companies are so proud to have them in their products, why did they have to spend over $40 billion to block Prop 37 and the labeling of GMOs…Because they know they’re poison and intelligent people don’t want to eat poison and will not buy poison. It should be our choice…not the governments, which is also btw, run by Monsanto. Go to: gmoseralini -DOT- org / ten-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-seralini-study/
Maher takes issues out of context for the sake of entertainment. Prop 30 failed because it left vendors immediately liable, with no remediation period, and responsible for the burden of proof, hence vulnerable to those endless nuisance lawsuits which conveniently settle at less than the cost of legal defense. It also did not conform to GMO regulations in other countries, and required a nearly impossible-to-achieve level of purity, given the present level of crop contamination by GMOs.
You don’t think half of Europe and Asia banned GMO’s for no reason right? I’m not going to waste my time TRYING TO SAVE YOUR IGNORANT LIFE. Do your own damn research, Russia has done tons of tests proving that GM corn causes cancer.
Nobody wants to eat GMO. We will ban it from Europe entirely one day. I also wonder who on YouTube may be promoting GMO and for what reason? The only reason I can think of is being on Monsanto payroll. My advice to you Monsanto – get yourself a good sip of biodegradable Roudnup.
It’s a step in the right direction – and ideas begin with dreams.
I suppose the soil type and climate will decide what can grow. The more we try to force our will on nature, the more screwed up it gets.
Thinking of a quote from Star Trek TNG:
“Every time humans have interfered with an existing system – no matter how well-intentioned that interference might be – the results are invariably disastrous.”
GMO is irrelevant and it costs more to label food as such.
This all started with farm subsidies. Say we need 1 million tons of corn per year. Well if it is really good year for corn, and seed is cheap, farmers grow 3 million tons. The government then buys up the extra corn, driving prices down. Now the farmer cannot sell enough to keep his equipment up to date, get it fixed, or replace it and feed his family. and pay his mortgage. So he became indebted to the banks, which finally sold all the farms to corporations like ConAgra (Tyson Foods).
New Rule
If your video only features the last “New Rule” of the episode, you aren’t allowed to title your video “New Rules.”
This is a knee-jerk “science in our food!” reaction. Finally, it is not good enough to complain that foods are “chemically treated”. All foods are chemically treated (or, as it is more colloquially termed, “cleaned”) many times prior to consumption, besides which, the word “chemical” is being abused here as it always is; food is made up of chemicals. Chemical-free food is empty space. There are just too many problems with this line of reasoning.
Not true if it is GMO it could very likely produce it’s own pesticides, it would be a good idea to label GMO’s so that people might look into how their foods are being modified genetically, it would also provide incentive for companies to not participate in mal-nutritious genetic modifications.
I watched both of John Lui’s videos. Very informative and a good example of greening the desert without cattle grazng.
Thank you for the link.