Pot Smokers Respond, Very Slowly – Abdul Butt on the Street

FUNNY, scene 5
September 10, 2013
HOW TO: Best Way To Grow Medical Marijuana & Bong Rip With The Girls
September 10, 2013

Pot Smokers Respond, Very Slowly - Abdul Butt on the StreetPlease SUBSCRIBE and thanks for watching – Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/abdulbuttcomedy – Like me on Facebook: https://


  1. rick charles says:

    A field full of lazy people.

  2. lasourisaboyante says:

    You should check out Blount (pronounced Blunt) Georgia… With Cannabis Baptist church… I shit you not. Blount is a tiny town, where I am from. Not even a stop sign, but it always made me chuckle. Yep we are going to Cannabis Baptist Church in Blount…

  3. saad h says:

    man that dude with the weed lame af lol

  4. Devin Lee says:

    Dude we smoke everyday and are not half ass stupid as those guys. . . And yes I said ass

  5. Evil Shred says:

    Is this to make fun of weed smokerz. Hmm depends on ur nature if u r gay u will seem gay. But alcohol no matter what u will look gay!! And thatd what the gov likes. A gay alcoholized society. alcohol stops ur brain and turns u into an animal. Aint that a dream to a ruling party?

  6. DTranGuy702 says:

    this guy is a douche

  7. HeatherRaeTV says:

    I love how this video is about weed & the video length is 420 lol

  8. forzainter316 says:

    I’m from “gags”

    If you interested to talk with you ,
    Please talk to me ,!

    With my pleasure ^

  9. Mj Noor says:

    change your name man it’s really offensive

  10. Manutd8491 says:

    The next U.S target.

  11. GreatBlueKnight says:

    What a waste of pregnancies

  12. greytoedsocks says:

    How ironic is it that the video is 420 long LOL

  13. Shannon McCormick says:

    From a recovering addict’s point of view, advocating weed and booze is not ok. Sorry.  Too many people end up like I did.

  14. andyboy198577777 says:

    They should legalize blow! That would be hype as fuck!

  15. M Corpus says:

    funny ass potheads lol.

  16. mk2mastellone21 says:


  17. iseemeyouseeyou says:

    I’m drunk right now and I’m still fucking smarter than you so suck it!

  18. Dave em says:

    The gentleman comment on the bottom says that he likes the video but couldn’t understand what they were saying.

  19. Twat444 says:

    ArE YoU On D.R.U.G.S MaN?

  20. Jose Ayala says:

    that fool in the mj cap is the lamest weed smoker..he wouldnt hit my blunt period!!!!

  21. lumpycream1 says:

    Lol. Man bro you’re a genius this video was so hilarious. Don’t change your name who cares if it’s offensive it’s hilarious too!

  22. Abdul Butt says:

    haha thanks!

  23. MsAlbertc says:


  24. L. Angel says:

    lmfao that crack head 1:35 said his my nigga when his a hippie !

  25. Twat444 says:

    Abdul, can you like Pauline Marois and be legit at the same time?

  26. donramonavila says:


  27. NASR AL-HAJ says:

    والله مانا فاهم ايش يقولو بس حلو

  28. iseemeyouseeyou says:

    You left out cats……

  29. harripops93 says:

    Lmao zombies

  30. 123spodie says:

    So this guy found the most stupid people to ask questions?
    Weed doesnt make u stupid… u have to be already.

  31. Abbas Alnajafe says:

    هههههههههههه اوكي عزيزي يتكلمون عن المخدرات (البانجو) في كندا وكل شخص يطرح وجهة نظرة

  32. iP.Y.S.E! says:

    think aboot it your talking to canadians….

  33. adam susser says:

    That guy with the weed logo on his hat must get a lot of pussy.

  34. Spacemarine420 says:

    someone who uses the term “get a lot of pussy” must really get lots of pussy.

  35. lasourisaboyante says:

    3:38 his brain is not operating optimally.

  36. jayko colom says:

    They si extasis that ain’t weed

  37. SubtitledArabicSongs says:

    you’re name means “worshiper of butt”, is this why you went with it for this channel or is this your actual name?

  38. PIndyJones says:

    Smoking a shit load of sticks? That’s why he’s dumb…he smokes crap!

  39. stormbringer60kb says:

    @123spodie: I disagree. I have learned that that weed makes stupid people more stupid. It makes smart people creative. I’ve had some of my best ideas while under the influence. For me, it improves concentration and determination. In fact, I hope I’m high when I die so I can take my buzz with me.

  40. Breezy8o8 says:

    Annnd… thats why i don’t smoke anymore… too many “interesting” people especially that guy who “has a lot of sex” psht

  41. Guillaume Desjeans says:

    I’m soooo shy to say that I live there…

  42. IWaterFriend says:

    Abdul, you need to trim 1 second off this video. It will blow some minds.

  43. lion tipu says:

    No girls interview ?

  44. marketday12345 says:

    this is retarded, is the stupid fuck speaker even smokes himself? cause he asks insanely retarded questions, dude smoke, get the fuck high, and enjoy ur day, WTF is there about broadcasting a stoners life, this is dumb.

  45. jayko colom says:

    Those people don’t have weed problem they have extasis problem

  46. Abdul Butt says:

    honestly, I didn’t even plan that. I only noticed after i uploaded it..lol

  47. j sillvestre says:

    What the heck does the comment on the bottom of this mean?
