NEW Molecule 14mm Cylinder Bong Revealing

Why I Can’t Smoke Weed
July 3, 2013
Outdoor update July 2013. SourD caterpillar season
July 3, 2013

NEW Molecule 14mm Cylinder  Bong RevealingZanesville Mike Smith channel Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at


  1. Jesus Tapia says:

    Have you ever hot boxed that room

  2. bigmike62194 says:

    Lmaooo dude at the end when u say peace and than pause I took it upon myself to say frizzle fuck and I said it a sec later that’s awesome

  3. ThePolarDivide says:

    Easily one of the best sound drone videos

  4. laplantski says:

    Straight cylinders are my favourate


    keep up the good videos twinkie?

  6. mike smith says:

    You need to have a purveyor’s license to be able to get the Molecule…it’s HARD as hell to find anywhere; But A high end head shop should have Molecule brand. They make beakers as well, all of it is double annealed to take out any imperfections in the glass itself, another reason they are expensive is that most of them are 7 mil Borosilicate.

  7. dirtbike25575 says:

    Sell some bongs……..:)

  8. jesse martinez says:

    Hey sound why don’t you bring out the eyse coil thingy?

  9. 11sproc says:

    never mind 

  10. 1nonlyg69 says:

    ok im now jealous,,u lucky stinker? wow

  11. soundexperiments says:

    oh yeah cool thank you 

  12. Gage Braatz says:


  13. M1A3 says:

    Lol @ the sexy porn music !

  14. 13MrSkitzo says:

    Sound how about a quick tutorial on how to make a homemade dab rig

  15. whikihowable says:

    hahaha sound you are one whacky dude! rock on man

  16. laplantski says:

    What if you got a vid message in a few days of mike doing inappropriate things to the glass he sent you…..that would be fucked up…or I’m just fucked up for thinking that….what’s your address…lol

  17. Philip Henson says:

    I need to start a bong cleaning business..

  18. bluefoot420 says:

    Nice (:

  19. HELLBENT225 says:

    Hey mike smith! Please contact me I would love to put that cheech bong in my collection.

  20. Mr420chilin says:

    mike smith is the shiznit!!!!!

  21. lambo9559 says:

    do people just buy you bongs and give them to you?

  22. holtmatt11 says:

    Why don’t you get good expensive glass

  23. Rauschhgif t says:

    he’s so stoned 🙂 Peace

  24. Zazzy6198 says:

    A lot of people say that coughing is bad. But ya know what? IF YOU AIN’T CHOKIN’, YOU AIN’T TOKIN’!

  25. alex fish says:

    stoner porn!

  26. Cavin McCarthy says:

    Ice come on sound

  27. HolidayRips says:


  28. MRMCBRIDE6598 says:

    What do you do with all your bongs sound?

  29. tank2471 says:

    Sound you are living the life man,make a vid of all your bongs

  30. 1nonlyg69 says:

    I swear 2 god Sound dat shit is funny as hell,I was looking in 2 getting the exact same bong,,the bowl was different I think,Anyway as you might know I just went with an M.G.W,great vid bud#:-]

  31. Glenn Robb says:

    when are you going to use the freezer coil thing in a video?

  32. bigmike62194 says:

    Sound I know it’s prob a lot but u should gather up all ur glass and I mean all of it bongs bowls bubbler hemp holders etc and show it all off on an episode

  33. wesley b says:

    The sound man!!!!!!

  34. shietitsumbr says:


  35. 11sproc says:

    you forgot to blow the smoke on the new glass 🙁

  36. TheGilbertXxX says:

    Good vid sound you should make a video of all your glass bongs pipes etc. it would be really awesome to see

  37. holtmatt11 says:

    And its a straight tube

  38. 1980kes says:

    i love that bong. how do I get one?

  39. yoyoryan6 says:

    YOOOO Whered he get that amazing peice of art? 

  40. Gage Braatz says:

    sexy porno music

  41. mardumer420 says:

    that would make a great piece for oil nice and small and the taste would be awesome just an idea for you

  42. iShuggy says:

    could you finish what you smoke and talk about life when your really high please

  43. supaultrapimp says:

    sir sound, have i mentioned how much i love you’re youness?

  44. joseolivas09 says:

    You Should had put ice on it

  45. Anthony Travis says:

    depends if your in the hood or not but i don’t care as long as your inhaling and getting high do what you gotta do

  46. nickjscott2 says:


  47. Jesus Tapia says:


  48. balla420ish says:

    pretty sure molecule is the sister company to Sheldon black

  49. NinjaPablo0404 says:

    Did you hear about the law they are passing next month in Florida, It’s illegal to have a bong or bowl if you don’t have an marijuana ID card
