My ate almost a gram of marijuana what should I do?

marijuana jokes
Elle asked:

My cat ate a nug of marijuana that somebody left at my house. I’m scared that it is going to die, what will happen, what should I do? This is a real question and i’m not joking.


  1. blaze23 says:

    If your cat is acting abnormal or appears sick take it to the vet.

  2. jape2000 says:

    prepare the munchies!

  3. ak_littlelady says:

    u r an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Jamiep6 says:

    it’ll probably be “high” for a while but it should be ok. keep an eye on her/him.

  5. Fran says:

    I don’t know how to address this particular issue. Marijuana is illegal so you don’t really have a lot of choices here. If you call your vet they may contact law enforcement….

  6. Steph says:

    I would think nothing would happen…might feel a little sick for a while, but it seems like it’d be okay. I dunno how cats react to Mary Jane, but I know if a person ate that much nothing would happen.

    It takes heat to activate the THCs in Marijuana, so a person wouldn’t be feeling high from eating it raw.

    Anyway, if you think your cats actin’ a little..uh, spacey…take it to the vet.

  7. Madame Morticia says:

    Listen, why don’t you call a vet? Seriously. I am not joking either. Just call, use a pay phone if you’re paranoid or if you have call blocking feature (here in Quebec we call it star-69) that hides your number, if you are paranoid do that. Call one of those emergency 24 hour vet hotlines. Because I am really not sure, but this might be poison for your cat. Maybe they can tell you something to counteract it. At least, give your cat some food and make him EAT, like open a can of tuna or something right away for him, something he’s SURE to eat, that will probably help it to go through quicker.

    Call a vet. They will be the best ones to tell you.

  8. tdr8256 says:

    Find out if its legal to bury household pets in your backyard.

  9. Jimmy says:

    If your cat starts acting sick, take it to the vet immediately and explain the situation. Be prepared their might be reactions, but if you care about your cat, you should do it. I know people who have cruelly gotten their cats high of second hand smoke, which is terrible. Just make sure that you’ll be able to get your cat to a vet if needed.

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