Let’s Play – Unepic #60 (FINAL EPISODE) [PC|Mac]

Outdoor Garden Update
September 11, 2013
Best Budz Tims promo
September 11, 2013

Let's Play - Unepic #60 (FINAL EPISODE)  [PC|Mac]Ok, that’s it folks! Finally finished the game to witness the grandiose ending… be my guests and find out what’s behind Harnakon, the Tower, the Elves and …


  1. Babeudoubap says:

    Thanks for this LP 🙂
    What about the other endings?

  2. StrongKPlays says:

    You’re more than welcome 🙂

  3. StrongKPlays says:

    You’re welcome…. I’m not sure if I wanna backtrack and get the other two endings, given the trouble which playing through the endgame would pose… But I am mulling this over – also I wanna showcase the thieves’ den, which is rumored to exist. If this will come to fruition, it’s not gonna happen very soon, though 😉

  4. gelugon2105 says:

    Thanks for playing the game so I don’t have to, StrongK.
