“A new high for pot” read the headline on the LA times website.
“Dude, Where’s My Trauma? Marijuana Could Treat PTSD” comes from Time Magazine.
“Assembly Plants Seed for Legal Pot in California” from my hometown NBC Bay Area affiliate.
what the hell is the deal with these puns? they’re making light of a serious situation that could mean jailtime (or not) for many, billions of dollars, and many legal pose-offs.
is anyone else sick of these puns?
I’m quite sure I’ll be a marxist my entire life. Capitalism has brought me and my life nothing but ills. thank you for your concern though ^__^
I’m more concerned about the fact that you follow a dangerous ideology (communism) than about some druggies. My country is still recovering from it.
I see from your profile, you are still young, 19 years old. Don’t let Marxist propaganda control your mind.
yes, i’m sick……
but not sick of those puns…..
i’m just sick, my head sick, my eyes sick…………well……the point is, im sick watching and thingking about ur question……….
because people are prejudice about pot smokers because that is the attitude about pot smoking. things will change soon. I never thought in a million years there would be a Black president, a MIXED!? president?? I’m black. I thought the KKK would have took some shots at him already. If they put a black man in the white house. Pot will be decriminalized!!! one step at a time.
they’re pretty lame. I agree with you
I agree with you all the way. Marijuana laws are stupid.
yah im really sick and tired of it becuase it makes marijuana look like a joke as were it really isnt it could save people from pain be used in a good recreactional enviroment and bring this american economy out of the gutter it could if they legalized it and taxed it im sure in a few years we would be back on the way up
no i’m sick of being ugly